
The Warmongers and Their Iranian Allies

..This leaves the Administration to work with only two groups, as well as some ambitious Iranians in exile who envision themselves as Iran’s future leaders. One is the Mojahedeen Khalgh Organization (supported by some neoconservatives and misguided members of the Congress). The MKO is universally despised by Iranians for acting as Saddam Hussein’s spies during the Iran-Iraq war, and as his agent for suppressing the Iraqi Kurds and Shi’ites…

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MKO and Resistance after Saddam

The people of Iran should have supported the MKO and its requests (as they supported Imam Khomeini) if the group was right; but this never happened.
MKO resorted to assassination and murder, which came from their ideology and thinking. The ideology is the same one that exists in other mafia groups. The MKO conducted unprecedented terrorist operation: bombing the shrine of Imam Reza

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Words bad! Bombs good!

These groups don’t care what Khatami says; they don’t want him to be heard
Former President Mohammad Khatami’s visit to the US has aroused serious anger among the neocons, the congress hawks and the AIPAC likudniks. Joining the circus is that aging army of Iranian “freedom fighters,” using their over-hyped 1970’s “expertise” to help America “understand” Iran in 2006. And no, I’m not just talking about the MEK.

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Iraq, MKO, and the Near Future

Simaye Azadi, is these days heavily focusing on reflecting the attempts seemingly taken in support of MKO’s stay in Iraq. The heavy coverage of news reports in this respect and their frequent repetition in different news, political, and Direct Contact programs indicate that the issue of its future stay in Iraq has entered a new phase…

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Consequences of Working with Terrorists

Although MKO defectors are being protected in a separate camp, have stopped organizational ties with this group and have quitted terrorist operations, and although they have been interviewed by the UNHCR, the process of transferring them from Iraq has been suspended so that the residents of this camp have gone on hunger strike.

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An Abstruse Statement in Support of MKO

Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) passes hard days in Iraq at the present following the reports of its forthcoming expulsion. It utilizes any legal and illegal lever to secure its stay in Iraq since the dispersion of its members in other countries, if any country consents to receive individuals labeled as terrorists, means a gamble on its survival…

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Iraq Must Get Rid of MKO

“Democracy or the Return of Shaabanieh Uprising”by Dr. Latif Vakil, professor of political science in the universities of Berlin and Denmark, has been published in Iraqi newspaper”Ghandil”. In the article, mostly on the reasons of Iraq’s occupation by the US, terrorists and active Baathist groups in Iraq, Dr. Vakil pointed to the MKO and wrote: …

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Chemical Ali Ordered MKO to Kill Kurds

Shahab Al-Ghare Losi writes:
“Ten audio tapes have been obtained from the house of Ali Hassan Al-Majid- known as Chemical Ali- on the operation of Anfal against Kurds and also on the suppression of 1991’s uprising. These tapes are about the meetings of Chemical Ali on the issue of Kurdistan.”In one of the tapes, dated April 15, 1988, Chemical Ali says:
“None of the villages should remain in this region until the next summer. We should transfer the people to townships and camps and control them….

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