
Allies of the Neo-cons

To preliminaries to prepare for reshaping of the Greater Middle East has already begun, namely, establishing a western style democracy in the concerned countries of the region. Whether or not the dream might come true is another question. It is through the theory of “constructive chaos” that the desired democracy can be established. Having failed in establishing a western style democracy in Iraq, Mr. Zucker as an advocator of chaos …

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Israel’s New Guideline for MKO

Israel believes Syria is a factor that can direct the US towards a fight against Iran and that this element should be eliminated. On this issue, terrorist MKO agrees with Israel and therefore openly takes position against Syria. The comments of Mohaddessin last year on the role of Syria in the assassination of Rafiq al-Hariri were supposed to stoke the fire of plots against Syria.

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Ashraf, A Refugee Camp or A City

Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), settled in Iraq as guests and men of Saddam, was never required nor felt a need to apply to be housed as political refugees. At least, no evidence exist to verify the group’s claim. Besides, a refugee camp is a camp built up by governments or NGOs to meet basic human needs for a short time. Has Iraqi government built or controls Ashraf, where Mojahedin reside, or has the group ever referred to it as a refugee camp?

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Would MKO eventually be removed from the list?

The Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), the Iranian terrorist proscribed opposition group, has escalated its over the years demanding move to be lifted from many lists of terrorist organisations in Western Countries. The State Department of the United States, the British Parliament, and the Council of the European Union are some of those who have officially listed MKO as a proscribed group.

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Roots of MKO Problems in Iraq

MKO’s irresolvable crisis- that has happened to this group after the fall of Saddam- has nothing to do with the new Iraqi government or the pressures from Iran (despite all propaganda by the MKO); instead, the presence of terrorist and murderous gang of Rajavi in Iraq, which received legitimacy from the toppled dictator, is illegal from international viewpoints ..

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Ravings of MKO’s Zionist Supporter

Distorting history and producing different versions of a same historical event is an illness, with long history in the MKO.
For different reasons, including whitewashing the crimes of the past or to win the attraction of new supporters, MKO distorts the history and broadcast new versions of it through its propagandistic outlets.

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MKO’s New Cause of Anger

The recently published book Mojahedin Khalq Organization; Arising & the End is a celebrated and collective work of some Iranian researchers unveiling many facts on the formation and activities of MKO. The three volumes work is mainly a research based on existing evidences many of which are included.

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The Role of Terrorist Groups in US Plan

According to Newswires, Iraqi president Mr. Jalal Talabani has announced that Iraq has reached an agreement with Ankara to stop the penetration of PKK paramilitary forces to Turkey.
Following reports on the closure of some PKK offices in Iraq, Turkish foreign minister said:”PKK will be dismantled and we will see this very soon”….

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