
MKO’s New Cause of Anger

The recently published book Mojahedin Khalq Organization; Arising & the End is a celebrated and collective work of some Iranian researchers unveiling many facts on the formation and activities of MKO. The three volumes work is mainly a research based on existing evidences many of which are included.

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The Role of Terrorist Groups in US Plan

According to Newswires, Iraqi president Mr. Jalal Talabani has announced that Iraq has reached an agreement with Ankara to stop the penetration of PKK paramilitary forces to Turkey.
Following reports on the closure of some PKK offices in Iraq, Turkish foreign minister said:”PKK will be dismantled and we will see this very soon”….

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The Betrayers Who Posture as Heroes

They call themselves “the main Iranian Resistance” representing a nation that has, since inception of republic system after monarch’s downfall, labeled them hypocrites. the crimes and atrocities which they have perpetrated hits such a big record in history and they are so execrated among their people that no pro-Monarchists nor other Iranian dissident groups, and diaspora would wish to be thrown in with Mojahedin in anyway at all.

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Iranian exile group aims to build bridges

As tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to mount, an Iranian exile group viewed here as a terrorist organization is lobbying to play a greater role in the struggle against Tehran…The Mujahedeen-e Khalq, or People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, was formally listed as a terrorist group by the State Department because of its attacks on American military personnel and Iranian officials. It fiercely opposed the Shah and his supporters during the 1970s and allied with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his 1980-88 war against Iran.

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Iraqi Lawyer Advocates Rights of Terrorists

In an interview published in Washington Post on 10 June 2006, Kamal Hamdoun, the head of Iraq’s lawyers’ union, deplored the dominant anarchy in Iraq saying:”We are living in terror. For example, I’m unable to move around freely. And there’s a gun in my drawer”

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MKO’s Crisis Escalates with UN’s Move

Maryam Rajavi, representing Massoud Rajavi’s treacherous gang, rushed to welcome this anti-Iran resolution to prove her faithfulness to Americans (whom she hopes will support her after Saddam Hussein).
The main purpose of Maryam Rajavi, of course, is to boost the morale of restricted MKO members who have been waiting for this resolution for years.

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Rajavi, the man who wanted to be a king

Can it be the mere prove that the operation, with no rational raison d’être, was just a reaction to unpredictable conditions? Of course, the operation’s aftermath and the panorama Rajavi depicted for the forces on the eve of the operation well justify the claim. Talking on the outcomes of the operation before its initiation, Rajavi, commanding rather than asking

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The Operation Eternal Light, a Product of Hegemony

The ideological revolution, in fact, legitimized Rajavi’s perpetual hegemony that was deep rooted in the organization’ structure and which was invisibly practiced by its first charismatic leader Hanifnejad. Tinctured with sacredness, the pillars of hegemony would be stabilized and ended any further wrangling. The main core of Mojahedin’s ideological revolution was to solve the issue of leadership. It could put an end to a problem known to be the Achilles’ heel in most contemporary revolutions and movements

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MKO Rebuke Nyabati for Reviling Israel

Bijan Nyabati, a left member of NCRI, MKO’s political branch, in a recent jeremiad in Persian lamented the Qana village tragedy of thirty seven innocent Lebanese women and children killed under the Israeli heavy shelling. In fact, deliberately or unknowingly, he swam against MKO’s policy taken towards Israel.

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The End of MKO’s Historical Opportunities

the whole views and ideas of different parties in the US can be summarized in a line, one end of which proposes negotiations and relations with Iran and the other suggests wide military action. However, what concerns the MKO in this issue is that they have no place in proposals (on the table of US administration) and that they are not worthy to be invested on.

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