
A Record of High Treason

None of the other Iranian opposition groups and dissidents, in spite of being vigorous opponents to the Islamic Republic, endorse Mojahedin Khalq’s position taken against Iran’s nuclear program because they are well aware of the fact that the right of taking advantage of peaceful nuclear technology belongs to Iranian nation rather than the ruling power.

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Iran: The Next War

“I wouldn’t get within a hundred miles of the MEK,”[Ledeen] says.”They have no following, no legitimacy.”…A few blocks off Pennsylvania Avenue, the FBI’s eight-story Washington field office exudes all the charm of a maximum-security prison. Its curved roof is made of thick stainless steel, the bottom three floors are wrapped in granite and limestone, hydraulic bollards protect the ramp to the four-floor garage

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Iraq plans to remove Pentagon’s proxy force

The group, known as the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK or MKO),”is interfering in social and political issues as if it’s an Iraqi organization,”Maliki told reporters at a recent press conference.”It’s a terrorist organization and the presence of this group in Iraq contradicts the constitution,”he said, calling for the group’s eviction.

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Iraq Gets Rid of MKO

“Iraqi government is looking for a way to get rid of MKO, which has been left from Saddam Hussein’s toppled regime in Iraq. Despite opposing the Iranian regime, this paramilitary group has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the European Union and the US,”German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, wrote in an article.

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Expulsion of Terrorist MKO, an Honor for Iraq

Mr. Nuri Al-Maliki, the prime minister of Iraq, announced that he will soon order the expulsion of MKO members from Iraq.This organization has nearly 4000 members, based in Camp Ashraf north of Baghdad. A group of MKO leaders left Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein and some others returned to Iran following the issue of public pardon for them. Those who couldn’t go to Iran or Europe have remained in this camp, banned from entering the US or a European country ..

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Who Is Concerned about Camp Ashraf Residents?

The restricted members have to suffer against their own will. At a time when they are in need of urgent action by the international institutions, the camp commanders, supported by the occupying forces, have prohibited any visit to the camp. At the same time, the heads of the organization running a comfortable life in European countries, organize rallies to weep crocodile tears over the members’ serious condition in Camp Ashraf.

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Arab Media Response to Maliki’s Comments

In a press conference in Baghdad, Maliki said the government had discussed the issue of MKO’s presence in Iraq. Referring to the fact that MKO is considered a terrorist group, Maliki said its presence in Iraq contradicts Iraqi constitution.
American forces have disarmed and restricted the members of the group. After their disarmament, Iraqi governing council ordered the expulsion of MKO and extradition of its members to Iran.

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MKO-Israel’s Endgame

Fox News, the channel of American warmongers, which seems to have faced legal restrictions for using the spokesman of terrorist MKO (Alireza Jafarzadeh), reported a letter from him- without inviting or showing him.

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Beware of the New Terrorist Conspiracy

The recent comments of a tribal leader from Dyalah province in an interview with an Iraqi satellite television asking Al-Maleki’s government to start investigating on the reasons and objectives of a meeting held in terrorist MKO’s Camp Ashraf with the assistance of US military commanders, military officers from former regime and with the participation of some group leaders sounds the alarm about such activities.

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Iraq’s Just Decision on Mojahedin

Quoting the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reported by ISNA, Iran Focus, MKO’s mouthpiece, announced that the country was working to end the presence of the Mojahedin terrorist group on Iraq’s territory. “It was decided to limit the actions of this group and confine them to Camp Ashraf, north of Iraq, and prevent their contacts with ministers and government agencies”, al-Maliki said.

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