
Iraq’s Just Decision on Mojahedin

Quoting the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reported by ISNA, Iran Focus, MKO’s mouthpiece, announced that the country was working to end the presence of the Mojahedin terrorist group on Iraq’s territory. “It was decided to limit the actions of this group and confine them to Camp Ashraf, north of Iraq, and prevent their contacts with ministers and government agencies”, al-Maliki said.

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White House Denies Backing of Terror Group in Iran

Raw Story is reporting that the White House is denying the use of terrorist organizations to undermine the Iranian regime.
Earlier today at the White House Press Briefing, Scott McClellan, the outgoing press secretary, denied reports that the U.S. is employing terrorist groups for special operations in Iran, RAW STORY has found.

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Covering Terrorism in the National Post

What makes this page interesting is not Edwards’ rehearsal of White House spin, but the placement of the prominent photograph of the ‘Iranian-American rally’ (five columns wide out of a possible six) next to another, shorter story running down the single remaining left-hand column entitled ‘Canada a ‘haven’ for terrorists: Washington,’ by Sheldon Alberts.

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Iraq Occupation, Vital for MKO

“Following the comments of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani on the expulsion of terrorist MKO from Iraq, this organization initiated its propagandistic efforts and by misinterpreting the comments of Mr. Mashhadani and other Iraqi officials claimed that these are diplomatic rhetoric (between Iran and Iraq). In this regard, MKO resorted …

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Objective of Mosaddeq and the Deviationist MKO

These popular movements, particularly the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-9, the Jangal Rebellion of Gilan in 1917-21, the Oil Nationalization struggle of 1951-3, have been repeatedly exploited by Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) and the group took maximum advantage of these national movements.

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Rajavi’s Gang, Israeli Crimes’ Ally

Let’s imagine that the members and supporters of MKO are free enough to ask questions from MKO officials (that is totally impossible); only this and nothing more. Then, the question is: why the MKO doesn’t take position against the crimes of Israel?

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Repetition of an Appeal

She proposes sanctions knowing it is Iranian people who have to pay the price. She propounds the Security Council while the file is a task of the IAEA to monitor nuclear proliferation, something not yet proved about Iran. These suggestions, not new in the ears of the Western countries, are made to appease them for the final demand; please, remove “the terrorist label from the People’s Mojahedin Organization”.

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MKO’s Troublemaker

“Terrorists, mostly from Baathists and the members of terrorist MKO, try to divide Shia and Sunni muslims and to ignite the fire of clashes between Arabs, Kurds and Turkmens living in Dyala province,”said Taha Dor’ Al-Sa’di, representative of Dyalah people in Iraqi parliament.

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Camp Ashraf Residents Need Help

the new Iraqi government intends to expel not only the foreign forces but also all the outlawed groups including Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) regardless of the group’s initiated vast propaganda blitz to stabilize its stay in Iraq. As confirmed by Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani on July 6 in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart”MKO is under the protection of the US army and we will expel them permanently after the foreign forces leave our country”.

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MKO’s Financial Sources

An exiled group likes MKO, claiming to be an alternative for the current Iranian ruling system, that has to spend huge sums for its insiders’ expenses, rallies and meetings, sumptuous banquets, lobbying activities and more and more, a look at its media propagandas explains enough, can never be run merely depending on charities and fundraising activities in the streets of Western countries. Once in Iraq under Saddam,

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