
Two sides of violence coin

“The explosion of the office of Islamic Republic Party on June 28th, 1980 and self immolations on June 17th, 2003″…One side shows committing terrorism to face the enemy, the other shows using terrorism to save Violence captured in cul-de-sac…

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MKO Trying to Divide Muslims in Iraq

In an interview with Al-Alam news channel, Al-Saadi said:”The elements of the MKO has played a very destructive role in Dyala province and has tried to foment problems for Muslims here.”
“In 90s, former regime used this group to massacre the Kurds in the north and Shiites in the south. After the former regime was toppled, they exploited the instability to boost their position in Iraq.”

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Dissidents Seeking Help

“Alireza Jafarzadeh , 49, is the longtime Washington spokesman for the National Council of the Resistance of Iran, the political wing of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, an anti-regime militant group supported for years by Saddam Hussein. MEK has been on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations since 1997.

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CIA Controls the Cult

detaining its members, and signing agreement with each and every one of Camp Ashraf residents (under the name of Geneva Convention) are of measures taken by the US to counter the pressures of Iraqi government to expel the group from Iraq

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Getting Legality by Deception

On May 26, 2006, a representative of the violent Iranian fugitives based in Iraq, known as MKO, addressed a forum “ an anti-war forum “ …In Iran, where the militia has been known since its inception in 1965 as Mojahedin, or jihadists, MKO lost all credibility after it became a proxy of Iran’s archenemy, Saddam Hussein, in 1986. Anne Singleton, a former insider and now an advocate for penitent MKO activists in Europe, has labeled the militia”Saddam’s private army”in her book-length memoirs by the same title.

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US should dump the terrorist MKO

Today many groups and personalities are calling for direct talks between US and Iran. Many more are voicing their opinions against military attacks on Iran. However, there are also many ill-wishers around doing their best and utmost to sabotage the US-Iran engagement.

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The Terrorists that Pretend Democracy

Many Iranian sympathizers of the MKO residing in Western countries are misguided by the group’s vast propaganda, demonstrating itself as the only vehicle to help establish democracy and freedom in Iran. Some opposing the current Iranian Government for their own reasons, voice support for a terrorist group,

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Mojahedin’s ideology of violence celebrated

Each orchestrated act of self-immolation – in which two Mojahedin members died – had been filmed in detail by the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Three years later, the crowd at the meeting in the British parliament watched the video film of these burning people and cheered and chanted in celebration of what normal people would find a horrifying act of violence.

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Inside a group caught between three powers

The case of those holed up in Camp Ashraf, near Baghdad, remains a quirky piece of unfinished business left over from the American campaign to oust Saddam Hussein. It continues to leave a trail of broken lives…the MKO’s fate is unclear. While the Iraqis want it disbanded, the politically savvy group still has support among some congressmen and Pentagon officials, who see it as a potential tool against Iran, a country which President Bush calls part of an”axis of evil.”

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The Decreed Self-Immolations

following Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in France, a number of Mojahedin’s sympathizers, reported 20, committed self-immolations in streets of Paris and other Western cities to obtain her liberation. Commonly believed, these acts of self-burning were organizationally preset acts of dissent dictated to the members who practiced them.

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