
Supporters of Endless Wars in Congress

The American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) in the American Congress support America’s use of military force and of other means to impose communist or totalitarian governments in the world in the name of democracy. Vice President Richard Cheney has been discussing the possibility of dropping nuclear bombs on Iran.

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In the Memory of Halabja

The most important historical events of the world and Iran in the eyes of Mojahedin have been mentioned in this book. Some are important and some not. But the more I searched for the word”Halabja”in the book, the less I found. Why?

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MKO Supports Terror in Tasuki

Following the terrorist action in Tasuki (on the road from Zabol to Zahedan), in which 21 were killed and 7 others injured, Iranliberty website which belongs to the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq and is run by Mansoor Ghadrkhah (member of MKO council), supported this terrorist act by releasing a statement and called”revolutionary forces”those who conducted it.

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Turning Ashraf to Terorrists Township

Terrorist MKO conducted ugly operations in Iraq for many years and today, it is using Camp Ashraf again as a place for performing suspicious plots by cooperating with US forces.
Since the organization has inured to planning and performing treacherous ideas, it is not able to survive independently. Therefore, it goes from the shade of one regime to that of another and in such a situation, it can put to practice its evil plans.

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The strategy of death, the meeting about death, the design for death, the training and maneuver for death, the political diplomacy at the service of death, terror for death and death for terror and… In fact the word Mujahid has been a synonym for death.

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Survivors’ Report- Editorial (No. 22)

News of the imminent disbandment of the group there prompted a flurry of activity among the MKO’s legion of lawyers in an effort to create more bluster and bluff. Exactly as when the Iraqi interim government voted to have the group expelled from Iraq in December 2003. The MKO’s ‘demand’ – if it were in a position to make any such demand – has been for the total 3000+ combatants based in Iraq to be moved wholesale to another base, in another country

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Camp Ashraf Escapee: Camp Ruled by Violence

Human rights in the Ashraf refugee camp in Iraq are being violated on a daily basis, an escapee told media.
Mujahideen leaders in the camp still have power over the rest of the people there, Mohzen Abbaslou has told private Darik radio.”I had no future in this camp, that’s why I escaped,”Abbaslou says.

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Stop War On Iran Campaign

As a conservative Republican, I oppose the neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites), Democrats and Republicans, in Congress and in the Bush administration who support the communist overthrow of Iran by the Iranian Communist MEK (Rajavi Cult) terrorists. The Fox News Channel has been a major supporter of the Iranian Communist MEK (Rajavi Cult) terrorists, including retaining as an analyst the former spokesman for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

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MEK Interferes in Iraq Affairs

Political sources of Al-Shahid reported of the interferences of terrorist MEK in Iraq elections.”Members of this organization spend a lot of money to change the process of the elections,”a source said.
This source, who has important evidences and documents on this group’s interferences in Iraq elections, added:”….this organization also asks for the cancellation of some paragraphs from the constitution. Interferences of this group in Iraq’s internal affairs show ugly face of this group, that wants destabilization of Iraq.”…

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Image of Iranian Opposition in US

… Helping this group is illegal since it has been listed as a terrorist organization. Therefore, Mojahedin-with the assistance of their representative, Ali Safavi- have employed three American public relations companies in order to make contact with Republican’s and ask for the removal of the group from terror list.

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