
Ashraf, An Iraqi City?

This so-called city witnesses strange relationship between the leaders of Mojahedin-e Khalq and Iraqi (and non-Iraqi) terrorist groups, including the”Islamic Government of Iraq”that assassinates Iraqis and seeks unrest in Iraq. There are still light and heavy weapons in Ashraf, arms that were given to the group by Saddam Hussein. Some Iraqi terrorist groups have recently received weapons.

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Let’s know a religious cult

He has spent 20 years of his life as a Mujahedin member: he thinks that he had wasted those years, thus he wants to warn the others on this organization. He was the member of the political wing of the organization and was based in London. His main duty was to contact British parliamentarians. The organization put priority on these sort of actions and Ibrahim knows well how important, for MKO, the propaganda is

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MKO, al-Qaeda co-op disclosed

In early 2007, the Iraqi government announced that MKO interferes in Iraq’s internal affairs and ordered them to leave the Arab country. Meanwhile, the Iraqi government spokesman said that MKO can choose between returning to Iran or go to another country. Ali al-Dabbagh stressed that Iraqi Constitution does not allow granting asylum to any terrorist organization

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Political Action Committee Contributions to PMOI Terrorist Supporters

a full-page advertisement appeared in the New York Times (page A19): 150 Members of U.S. Congress Declare Support for the People’s Mojahedin (PMOI), Call for an End to Iran’s Terrorist Regime. This advertisement contained the names of only 6 of the signers of the Iran Statement: Democrats Bob Filner (California), Sheila Jackson-Lee (Texas), Edolphus Towns (New York); Republicans Lincoln Diaz-Balart (Florida), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida), Tom Tancredo (Colorado).

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MKO crafty offer to parent Iraqi children

Besides being mistreated and abused for military purposes, children were exploited as fundraising tools in Western countries. That is the way the Mojahedin cult looks upon children. Now, at the time when the Iraqi government intends to expel MKO, its leader is playing another trick to hide the group’s terrorist intentions behind a humanitarian mask. Maryam Rajavi in her speech made on 30 June in a Paris rally surprised many people who are familiar with the group’s cult-like

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Associated Press and the Rajavi Cult

How is it that all these reports not only declare Hiss an innocent victim, but echo one another in tone? I offer as an answer a 334-word Associated Press dispatched labeled”Urgent”put out at 5:11 the night of November 15 with the headline”Alger Hiss, Nixon Nemesis, Dead at 92.”It read:”Alger Hiss, the patrician public servant who fell …

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Re-listing MEK (PMOI) important, but not enough!

The MEK continues to operate in Europe with its headquarter in Auver-sur-oise Village in Paris. The MEK refer to its former members as the agents of the Iranian Information Ministry in order to justify its violent attacks. The truth is that the MEK has used this tactic to smear its critics, a well-known practice by almost all violent cults.

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Internal Relations of MKO and Ideological Revolution (5)

It announces that the organization has always provided an open window for dissident members, critics, and even infiltrators to express their views and is showing the highest degree of tolerance compared with other revolutionary organizations. On the contrary, most former MKO members report instances of human rights abuses in organization.

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Who pays millions for Rajavi Cult show in Paris on 30th June?

Mojahedin Khalq have opened an office in Port Bagnolet and, falsifying the information about their attack on a meeting in Paris on the 17th of June in which a high ranking terrorist member of the cult was arrested, try to gather support and bring people from French society. They have also put in place a system to transfer people from other countries to increase the audience.

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