
Scott Ritter’s New Book, Target Iran

Ritter reveals that in order to advance their agenda against Iran, the Israelis have used intermediaries which include the Kurds loyal to Mustafa Barzani, the Mujahidin-e Khalq, and US neo-conservatives. Quoted in Reader-list Book Review concerning MKO’s intelligence collaboration with Israel we read:

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Exaggerated Numbers of Supporters Come up

The EU Council is determined to keep MKO on its terrorist list regardless of Mojahedin-run media advertising exaggerated numbers of European supporters calling its removal from the list. In one instance, Mojahedin claimed that in a petition, 30,000 Canadians demanded from their government ..

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In Iranian Friend of the Neocons

According to a Newsweek report, White House sources later confirmed that this reference was to the NCRI. To have the President tip his hat towards an organization that his own administration defined as terrorist was a remarkable coup for Mr. Jafarzadeh.

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The Terrorists Lambaste Proscription

The EU has argued that the court’s ruling focused on procedural problems and did not imply that the group had to be removed from the list and that it has complied with the judgment by supplying documents explaining its decision. The EU even granted MKO an opportunity to present counter arguments. MKO has so far failed to adequately explain why it should be taken off the EU list of terrorist organizations.

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Why the MKO Doesn’t Leave Our Land?

Americans are well aware that the MKO has no popular support inside Iran and has no place. We know that the US always uses some cards against its enemies but this time it has chosen a loser card; it’s like betting on a dead horse, which has no influence on the political scene. We also know that this desperate organization is supported by both the US and groups like Al-Qaeda, Baathists and pro-Saddam elements.

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Why Iraqi Gov. Hesitates to Act Resolutely

When we hear that Mr. Maliki, as the chief commander of Iraqi armed forces, has asked for the expulsion of terrorist Mojahedin-e khalq organization from Iraq, we ask ourselves about the levels of the power of an elected prime minister because we wonder who he is addressing. He’s the chief of executive branch, so he should order not ask. He should execute the law in Iraq. Shouldn’t his government arrest these terrorists according to international and domestic laws?

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The Decision Unfulfilled

…revealing that the White House, gearing up for invading Iraq, distributed a background paper listing the MEK as a pretext for a future war with Iraq. The paper provides evidences that Iraq is notoriously known to sponsor terrorism and is a bastion of terrorist groups including MEK. The paper’s first evidences are …

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Why does the Iran Policy Committee employ a former CIA employee?

As a historian and former soldier, he takes clear-cut lessons from the check, his son’s death and the broader war.”When you use force, the unintended consequences that result are so large and the surprises so enormous that it really reaffirms the ancient wisdom to which we once adhered — namely, to see force as something to be used only as a last resort.”

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MEK Fearful of Occupiers’ Exit from Iraq

This formula is already exposed since all unilateral policies of the US across the world- its aggression, occupation of Iraq and the continuation of its threats against Iran- are confirmed according to this formula and the MKO expresses concern about changes in it. For instance, they see disadvantages for the group in US-Iran talks, therefore they warn the occupiers as follows:

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