
The US Achilles’ heel in War on Terrorism

The idea conjures at a time when Americans insist to accuse Iran of advocating Iraqi insurgents and escalating disorder in Iraq and believe that a total uproot of terrorism is the decisive solution to end disorder in Iraq. Regardless of Iranians’ rejecting of giving any aid to insurgents, to be optimistic, a decisive decision about MKO in itself helps to restore peace and order to Iraq.

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The Ideological Revolution, the Mojahedin Cult’s Devised System of Values

In MKO, similar to other cults, the partisans are under the influence that only those who adhere to the group’s ideology are on the right path. But to accept the cult’s proposed ideology, the insiders’ old system of beliefs has to be fragmented to be replaced with the revolutionary one. It is the prerequisite for the total obedience of the leader. Dennis Tourish expounding on the issue states that:

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Desperation Prevails in Rajavi’s Cult

The fact is that the stupid remnants of Rajavi had promised their desperate members, tired of relying on foreign powers, that they”would push the US to clash Iran in Iraq”and that”a new resolution would be passed against Iran”that will worsen Iran’s situation in the international scene. However, since the previous resolutions have proved to be futile and with Iran-US’s scheduled talks, desperate members in political section of the group have cautioned that measures of Rajavi cult are useless.

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Hardliners, hard options

The emphasis from both sides that Iraq and only Iraq will be discussed is evidence of their deep mutual mistrust and enmity. Keeping each other at arm’s length, each side is skirting carefully around the elephant in the room, that is, the deeply divisive issues that have poisoned Iran-US relations for nearly three decades. Clearly neither side would have agreed to meet unless forced by necessity. But has that necessity forced the beginning of a new phase in relations, or should we accept

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MKO Admits Iran’s Nuclear Achievements

MKO, which earlier denied Iran’s ability to have even the nuclear technology, has been forced now to admit the realities they don’t like.MKO leaders have always been criticized for mixing their so-called political analyses with their dreams and feeding them to their restricted forces.

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More Evidence on Rajavi cult – Qaeda Ties

The terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq, with long history of denying its own acts and plots, responded to the comments and revelations of Mr. Hadi Farhan Abdullah al-Aameri, the head of Iraqi Parliament’s Security Commission, by projection and denying the facts; Mr. Aameri had revealed MKO’s ties with Al-Qaeda

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MKO’s Days in France Might Be Counted

Of the diplomatic controversies that have clouded French-Iranian relations, which Nicolas Sarkozy has on his political agenda to improve, was the issue of MKO. Darius Kadivar, a freelance journalist, in an article released in persianmirror makes a short reference to the issue and is of the opinion that the days of MKO in France may well be counted with Sarkozy who is anti-communist.

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The US and a Decision to Show Good-Will

there is a big question mark here. Among the many questions imposed by Iranian side concerning Iraq would be the US forces’ supporting of a terrorist group blacklisted by its own State Department. If the both countries are indeed concerned about the troubled situation in Iraq, first they should deal with the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq or the Mojahedin cult that has long threatened the security of certain Iraqi regions.

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MKO, the Invisible Occupiers

Mojahedin have to make their destiny tied with their stay in Iraq. However, the insistence of Iraqi government to expel MKO for its interference in internal affairs and its link with questionable groups indicates that MKO’s present stay in Iraq is indebted to the Iraq’s instable situation. The comments of Shirvan al-Vaeli, Iraq’s security minister published in ‘Al-Hayat’ newspaper in London indicates that”Initial agreements have been reached between Iraqi government and the US” concerning the situating of MKO in Iraq.

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America’s Covert Terror War Against Iran

The Bush Regime is sponsoring terrorist attacks as a means of ratcheting up its campaign of aggression against Iran A US-backed militant Pakistani Islamist group has carried out a string of terrorist attacks against Iranian targets The group known as Jundullah (Army of God), a Sunni militant organization made up of members of the Baluchi tribe, …

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