
Rajavi’s Gang, From National to Global Terrorism

What started during the Cold War by the US in Afghanistan- against the Soviet Union- and later took the form of Taliban to protect the interests of oil companies and secure oil pipes has turned into today’s”Al-Qaeda”, which is responsible for many of bloody terrorist operations in the world. Terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e khalq also has similar situation. When the Western countries ignored

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MKO, the Invisible Occupiers

Mojahedin have to make their destiny tied with their stay in Iraq. However, the insistence of Iraqi government to expel MKO for its interference in internal affairs and its link with questionable groups indicates that MKO’s present stay in Iraq is indebted to the Iraq’s instable situation. The comments of Shirvan al-Vaeli, Iraq’s security minister published in ‘Al-Hayat’ newspaper in London indicates that”Initial agreements have been reached between Iraqi government and the US” concerning the situating of MKO in Iraq.

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America’s Covert Terror War Against Iran

The Bush Regime is sponsoring terrorist attacks as a means of ratcheting up its campaign of aggression against Iran A US-backed militant Pakistani Islamist group has carried out a string of terrorist attacks against Iranian targets The group known as Jundullah (Army of God), a Sunni militant organization made up of members of the Baluchi tribe, …

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Political Stupidity of Rajavi and his Retarded Remnants

There’s a big question on why the gang of Rajavi came to presidential campaign in France, which had nothing to do with them.Before answering this question, it should be clarified that Rajavi’s gang left a new record for its political stupidity since it was clear, from the beginning, who was going to win the elections.

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Iran offers to help US find Iraq exit

Mr Araghchi, a career diplomat seen as a potential interlocutor with Washington, insisted the US presence was part of Iraq’s problem. “Iraq is suffering a vicious cycle. There are foreign forces who have occupied Iraq and justify their presence under the pretext of the ‘war on terror’ and there are terrorists who claim they are fighting occupiers.”

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How cults work?

There is no meaningful difference between a cult and a religion in terms of faith, morality or spirituality. The primary differences are that a”cult”operates outside of mainstream society, often calls on its followers to make an absolute commitment to the group and typically has a single leader, whereas a”religion”usually operates within mainstream culture

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Women Victimized in the Cult of Mojahedin

Seemingly an advocate of the cult of Mojahedin, Mr. Zucker seems to have been kept in dark about what happens to women inside the cult and how they have been deprived of their rights as well as being severely abused. A partial look at the cult’s present aired programs on the condition of women residing in Camp Ashraf well indicates that military uniforms, discipline and forced harsh tasks are routine female managed task inside the camp.

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The Use of the Philosophy of Martyrdom within Religious Cults for Acts of Terrorism

In the Quran we read that on Judgment Day, God will be just when it comes to ruling between Prophets and Martyrs. Quran 39:69 This is interpreted to mean that some martyrs would stand higher than prophets. But which one of them? Before I go any further, let me emphasis more on the meaning of this saying of Quran, and what it means for an ordinary Muslim? It means that an ordinary Muslim through his actions

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