
New Additions to State Department’s Report on MKO

Pointing to the assassination of US military and civilian personnel in Iran during 1970s, – Stressing the ability and the will of MKO members and leadership to conduct terrorist operations across the world, – Introducing the MKO as one of the most violent political groups, established during 60s,

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MKO, Hated by Iraqis

The main reason was that Saddam wanted to change human structure of Iraq while Shiites and Kurds comprised more than 80 percent of Iraqi population. After revolution in Iran and closure of US and Israeli embassies in Tehran, Americans thought of coup in Iran in order to compensate their failure.

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The Necessity of MKO’s Expulsion from Iraq

I was proud and I said to myself that”finally, we have a powerful government that respects itself and the people; a government that is able to make decisions in order to get rid of Saddam’s remnants. Saddam gathered elements of MKO to occupy our country and gave them privileges,

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The US Instrumental Use of MKO

The Vice President is fully aware of the actions taken by the United States towards Iran that are further destabilizing the world as evidenced by the following: … MMM(D) The United States has been linked to anti-Iranian organizations that are attempting to destabilize the Iranian government, in particular the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), even though the state department has branded it a terrorist organization.

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MKO and the French presidential candidate

In her message of congratulation, Rajavi, certainly coming upon some senses of personal and political similarity, addressed her saying that “the participation of women in political leadership is a necessary condition for the establishment of democracy.

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U.S. support for terrorism targeting Iran

David Stringer of the Associated Press immediately realized that he owed it to his readers to mention that the MKO spokesman offered no evidence to support his claims. This group, along with the old Iranian monarchists, like their financiers in the White House and Downing Street, need no evidence to fabricate stories.

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Washington’s Covert War inside Iran

The provision of aid to anti-government forces offers certain advantages to the Bush Administration. No effort needs to be expended in winning support for the policy. Operations can be conducted away from the public eye during a time of growing domestic opposition to the war in Iraq, and international opinion is simply irrelevant where the facts are not well known.

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