
The US War of Terror

..America in its pursuit of global hegemony bears an eerie resemblance to the building of empires in the past. To expand its international dominance and imperialist ambitions, the White House and their neo-con cohorts by declaring ‘a war of terror’ pave the way so they may wipe out whoever stands in the way. ..

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The Collected Signatures in Support of Terrorism

they said nothing of their past when they were petitioning Dutch citizens and hardly were those signers aware of what they were signing. It was just an act of getting rid of the importunate petitioners in the same way they spared money to slough off the importunate beggars. Explaining about how they collected the signatures,

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The Mob Manipulated by the terrorists

The small gifts distributed in these street-shows, which are reported to be protesting rallies by Iranian resistance, might attract any passerby. Of course, they have to sing to get the gifts and the signatures are then advertised to be that of the supporters of the group’s demands. Furthermore, rarely anybody protests you if you ..

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Rajavi’s cult Should Change Tactics

Bigger concern for Rajavi’s gang was that Iran could get upper hand in this process. They claimed that Iran was trying to produce nuclear bomb in order to instigate the US to attack Iran, which was the only option for that phase in their view.

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PMOI is no democratic group

I suggest perhaps that Ghozali should need two publications on the subject to find out about some of the activities of this so-called democratic movement. The first is ‘The Iranian Mujahedin’, a book by Professor Ervand Abrahamian who spent several years researching the group. The second is a book called ‘Masoud’ published by Saqi books and written by Masoud Banisadr …

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MKO Rides Terror Boat

Since it’s a terrorist organization, MKO uses the same methods of Baathists against the people of Iraq. They obeyed ousted regime of Saddam Hussein and they did their best to serve as wanted. They were involved in suppressing the uprising of Sha’banieh and attacks on villages and town in southern and northern Iraq.

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Tangled Webs

But you probably missed the story because (according to a reader who sent it to me) it was posted very briefly on CNN’s front page and then quickly disappeared. No other major outlet (and very few minor ones) seem to have picked it up. The CNN story quotes Shirwan al-Wa’eli,…

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3,000 Iranian captives held in by US see no sign of quick release

While Iranian treatment of the British marines gave rise to comparisons with the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and questions were raised over whether the US’s capture of five Iranians claiming diplomatic status in Iraq and holding them for over two months could have played a part in the crisis, the humanitarian crisis involving 3,000 Iranian captives at Camp Ashraf

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Iraqi Official and Terrorist Logic

member of”Accord Front”, took part in a TV debate with Ali Al-Dabbagh (Iraqi government’s spokesperson) on Al-Jazeera news channel to discuss the issue of MKO’s presence in Iraq…Dabbagh insisted that the group should be expelled from the country. ….Al Ayan claimed that giving shelter to exiles from neighboring countries and giving shelter to criminals and terrorists, particularly those involved in suppressing 1991’s uprising, was legal!…The comments of Al-Ayan were made in response to the services of MKO for him (they paved the way for his trip to Europe and his meetings with EU representatives).

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The Islamic Republic Referendum, an Issue of Challenge

No doubt, both in the issue of referendum and the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran, Mojahedin were very critical, mostly not of the moves but of the contents. In fact, their dismay was the result of the group’s political and ideological teachings that did not evaluate the two moves coinciding with their strategic ends, that is to say, to escalate a gross military tension with the US.

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