
The Islamic Republic Referendum, an Issue of Challenge

No doubt, both in the issue of referendum and the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran, Mojahedin were very critical, mostly not of the moves but of the contents. In fact, their dismay was the result of the group’s political and ideological teachings that did not evaluate the two moves coinciding with their strategic ends, that is to say, to escalate a gross military tension with the US.

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Unconscious Intelligence Sources!

The MKO’s project, called”Hostage taking Crisis”, was aimed at instigating British government against Iran. They tried to convince Britons that Iran’s move was in response to UN Security Council’s resolution. According to the analyses of Rajavi’s gang, this crisis could last for months and they had to do their best to prevent a diplomatic resolution.

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Suspicious deal with the Terrorists

many years Mujahedin-e Khalq received direct assistance from Saddam Hussein. They are on the U.S. government’s official list of terrorist organizations, that is to say, it’s a serious crime for any American to deal with it. The US banks have a responsibility to freeze MEK assets and any member caught anywhere in the world will be arrested.

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U.S. protects Iranian opposition group in Iraq

the U.S. State Department officially considers the MEK a terrorist organization — meaning no American can deal with it; U.S. banks must freeze its assets; and any American giving support to its members is committing a crime.The U.S. military, though, regularly escorts MEK supply runs between Baghdad and its base, Camp Ashraf.

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Bush Hypocrisy?

Yet even as recently as 2003 there have been reports of political support for the MKO by members of the U.S. Congress – across party lines I must say – including the reputable Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas).

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MKO Disparages International Approaches

It is not the first time that MKO and its aliases take position against the decisions of the Human Rights bodies and attack them in their media propaganda machines. Similarly, two years ago and in reaction to the HRW’s report disclosing human rights violations inside MKO, the group started a propaganda blitz condemning the HRW to be in secret collusion with Iran against MKO.

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The Long History of British and American Covert Provocation and Action in Iran

But Americans, and indeed much of the rest of the world, continue to be lulled into a false sense of complacency by the fact that overt conventional military operations have not yet commenced between the United States and Iran. As such, many hold out the false hope that an extension of the current insanity in Iraq can be postponed or prevented in the case of Iran. But this is a fool’s dream.

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Baqubah, Terrorism and MKO

What we see today in Diyalah (killing Shiites, terror and …) are all backed logistically and the terrorist group of Mojahedin-e Khalq has a history of such attacks. What’s happening inside Iraq is not irrelevant to the group. Group’s long presence in Iraq has helped the group to get good information about Iraq.

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Absurd Claim over Captured Britons

On the other hand, the Britons have confessed the illegal entry into Iran’s waters and thus, they would possibly be treated according to the international rules. Furthermore, a group of fifteen solders can never have so important effect on such a highly disputed international issue as Iran’s nuclear file

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