
What Does MKO Want from EU?

MKO relies on a weak ruling by a European court, which is not bounding for the states and its least effect can be limited to bureaucratic relations inside the EU. More importantly, the ruling stressed that MKO had not committed terrorist acts since 2000, while after the ruling was issued, Maryam Rajavi said that group should be rearmed!

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Mojahedin Cult Displaying Tip of an Iceberg

Rarely the public knew about their malign past when their bullets and bombs perished many innocent Iranians and personalities in power struggle attempts. And the guardians of the Western societies, well aware of the group’s past but kipping silent for political causes, were certain they could leash the terrorists to keep them calm and under the surveillance in their country. But a fact had remained unnoticed;

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The Story of MKO

The MKO has a long history of hostility towards Western countries and several American military officers in Iran were assassinated by the group in 1970s. Thus, some Western countries, including the US and Canada consider it a terrorist organization. It should be noted that former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, was the main military, financial …

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Women Lured by Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Religious Cult

the Mojahedin cult’s leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi are deceptive, exploitive masters of mind control who can weave pernicious spells capable of holding followers in thrall for decades, especially the women…Some former women members describe being forced into marrying men that they did not know. Then, in 1990 the leader of the MEK cult ordered all the members to divorce. This meant that all the married couples in the MEK must divorce without any question or protest.

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Cults and Terrorism – A Case Study

in order to attract, recruit and maintain its recruits and to exert power over every aspect of their lives. Again, many scientists of human and social studies who have extensively studied this phenomenon agree that any cult, because of its unique characteristics, is potentially capable of using violence and physically eliminating not only its own members but also its opponents if it deems this necessary.

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MKO’s Ties with Jordanian Intelligence Service

Security guards of Amman international airport have received an order by Jordanian interior ministry to offer facilities to those MKO members who have passports from Iraq or other countries. This decision was made during last months, after there were cooperation and close ties between this organization and Jordanian security services on Iran-Iraq issues.

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Maryam Rajavi treatening Council of European Union

Maryam Rajavi, in her video message speech addressed to the conference made clear threats that only those familiar with the group and its cult structure can get the hint. Calling the legally adopted decision an act of appeasing Iranian regime, she promulgates a glimpse of her cult’s potentiality saying: I remind those who insist on keeping the PMOI in the list that appeasement will have dire consequences. We are speaking about the lives of individuals.

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The US Breakneck Move on MKO Disinformation

The arrestment of Ammar al-Hakim, the son of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, by the US troops on his return from Iran seems to be the outcome of another disinformation by MKO to American forces convincing enough, not heeding the consequences, to make them take a hasty decision. Being it a deliberate or non-deliberate move,

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The hands feeding terrorists

According to a report by Telegraph, America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic Republic to give up its nuclear program. In the past year there has been a wave of unrest in ethnic minority border areas of Iran, with bombing and assassination campaigns against soldiers and government officials.

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Armed mercenaries; Warmongers’ Last Resort

That we occasionally hear the name of terrorist MKO and Pentagon’s use of this organization doesn’t mean that they only rely on this terrorist group to destabilize the country. In fact, it means that Pentagon and Neocons, as pioneers of warmongering against Iran, use all possible means, including the gang of Rigi, Pezhak and criminal cult of Rajavi.

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