
For Whom the Terrorists Beg Mercy

following the arrestment of the members of a terrorist group that had terrorized the Iranian southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan killing a number of people, the blacklisted terrorist MKO, claiming to have renounced terrorist moves, has started appealing to international organization for the freedom of the arrested terrorists

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From Jaderieh Prison to Hakim’s Base!

After a while, the prison was shut and prisoners were all freed. Then, MKO’s lies on the issue were exposed and it became clear that the two members had not been in that prison. MKO spread lies at that time in order to instigate the US military. … Now, a year and half on, the MKO is again repeating its claims on its two members (obliterated by the group itself) to provoke US’s news sensitivities in Iraq and pave the way for confronting the Shiites.

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Scooter Libby and World War III

The big problem with this approach, however, is that it fails to understand the dynamics of our continued presence in Iraq. In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee given on Feb. 1, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish former national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, made a statement that should have set off alarm bells and sent everyone rushing for the lifeboats:

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MKO, Israel’s Intelligence Dealer

western journalists in Brussels are surprised to see the volume of cooperation and coordination between the MKO and Iraq’s Sunni oppositions. These journalists state that they had earlier received reports that Sunni oppositions had talked about the dangers of Safawis of Iraq and their threat and in response to questions that who they meant by Safawis they pointed to ..

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To go the wrong way on Iran

The group played an effective role in people opposing campaign against the regime of Shah but after the fall of Shah the group challenged the newly-come to power Islamic Regime and called the people to go on strike and demonstration. But the people turned against them and thus the group which was left alone set out for terrorizing the individuals, bombing and execution.

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US sponsored terrorism? Let’s hope not!

One of the operational assets being used by the Defense Department is a right-wing terrorist organization known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), which is being”run”in two southern regional areas of Iran. They are Baluchistan, a Sunni stronghold, and Khuzestan, a Shia region where a series of recent attacks has left many dead and hundreds injured in the last three months.

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MKO: Shameless Mercenary Force

After Pentagon lies against Iran were exposed, Alireza Jafarzadeh, member and spokesman of MKO in the US, came to the scene and claimed that”advanced bombs that kill Iraqis have been made in Sattari Industries, which is controlled by Revolutionary Guards Corps, and transferred to Qods Force. These bombs are then smuggled into Iraqi through 3 border points, including Mehran.”

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MKO-Baathists Alliance

This group has now central role in plotting against Iraqis and in religious differences. Some TV channels and failed newspapers help this organization. It holds conferences and interferes in Iraq’s internal affairs. What’s surprising is that some MPs take part in the conferences of this terrorist group in Brussels and Paris. One of them, who is the leader of a Parliament’s fraction, said they had common goals and principles with the MKO

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MKO, Sectarian Terrorist Organization

As it served the goals and interests of Saddam’s regime in the past, it is now acting to deepen tribal differences. Some Imperialist forces have tied their hopes to this terrorist group and even use this organization against Shiites of Iraq and Iran; they use it for illegal operations.This group has an active role in destabilizing the security and supporting terrorists. For instance, we can discuss the status of Dyala ..province.

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Maryam Rajavi’s A Widow!?

Economist has always had a lot of information. This week’s Economist has an article,”Fund and Find Your Opposition”, in which the author speculates the death of Massoud Rajavi and that Maryam Rajavi has become a widow! The article has a critical view on Condi Rice’s request for allocating 75 million dollars to finding an opposition desirable for the US.

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