
On Cheney, Rumsfeld order

One of the operational assets being used by the Defense Department is a right-wing terrorist organization known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), which is being “run” in two southern regional areas of Iran. They are Baluchistan, a Sunni stronghold, and Khuzestan, a Shia region where a series of recent attacks has left many dead and hundreds injured in the last three months.

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So Discredited A Ruling

“When the European court issued a ruling on this case, the MKO was on the terrorist list of the EU and the court, of course, complained that enough reasons for designating the group. However, the legal obstacles are being resolved now in order to keep this group on the list,”French Foreign Ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said on the issue of lifting restrictions of MKO properties.

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February 8, A New Phase to Encounter People

It cost Mojahedin a big price to come to believe that it was actually impossible to overthrow the created Islamic system in a short-run process as the group had anticipated. Successive blows over the body of the organization both was leading it to the precipice of a complete termination and challenging the adopted strategy of establishing a phase of armed struggle

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Adnan, Al-Alyan and Alaani Cry for MKO!

They would do it even if they have to sell Iraq and Iraqis with the cheapest price and set fire to the public in order to revenge for their former master. These people tried to sell Iraq in their deals with Israelis, the US and some neighboring countries. Their last card could be the MKO. This would be their losing card not winning card but they consider it a boost to their sick bodies.

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How Not to Handle the Facts

It appears not to have occurred to Boot, or to the Mujahedin Khalq’s other conservative supporters, to find out what Iran’s human rights activists and democratic dissidents think of this “cult.” Not surprisingly, the MEK is held in near-universal disdain by those dissidents, precisely because it is a cult, a terrorist body and Stalinist in ideology—that is, undemocratic to the core. Either this contradiction hasn’t occurred to Boot or, worse, it simply doesn’t matter to him.

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The Plots of Cult against Iraqi Government

The terrorist MKO thought it could intensify US’s confrontation with Iran and pave the way for a big attack on Shiite figures and MPs. However, this failed and no one paid attention as if all sides in Iraq have all understood the fact that it was only a tactic to help the survival of the group.

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Time to Expel MKO From Iraq

Danger is not limited to this. It has become more dangerous. This organization has returned to its previous status and there is coordination between the members of MKO and remnants of former regime so that with the lobby of MKO in Europe, orphans of former regime have gone to the EU.

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An Autopsy of the Ideological Media in Mojahedin Cult (2)

The papers publish selected or exclusive news reports which in turn serve as sources of reference for MKO propaganda machine. That is to say, a single piece of news is repeated again and again with the difference that each time it is quoted from a different paper with a deliberate display of the front page. As an evidence of MKO’s trick of reporting news more than once but from different angles, Rassul Mohammadnejad, an ex-member, stated:…

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An Autopsy of the Ideological Media in Mojahedin Cult

Exploited beyond their main purpose, the media are practical instruments to fulfill MKO’s ambitions. Besides their utilization to augment psychological warfare and propaganda blitz, the media are turned into the means of diffusing ideological teachings directly and indirectly. The TV affording many privileges, the psychological impacts and popularity to count

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MKO and Iranian Chalabis

Pointing to Bush’s order to US forces in Iraq to shoot Iranian and Syrian agents in Iraq, Pentagon’s emphasis that Iranian agents were behind the deaths of 5 US forces in Karbala and the departure of second US aircraft carrier to the region, Spiegel writes that despite all these, the White House denies any effort to overthrow the rule of Mullahs.

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