
MKO and Iranian Chalabis

Pointing to Bush’s order to US forces in Iraq to shoot Iranian and Syrian agents in Iraq, Pentagon’s emphasis that Iranian agents were behind the deaths of 5 US forces in Karbala and the departure of second US aircraft carrier to the region, Spiegel writes that despite all these, the White House denies any effort to overthrow the rule of Mullahs.

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Terrorism Isn’t Freedom Of Speech

The Supreme Court refused Monday to block the trial of seven Los Angeles residents charged with raising money for an Iranian opposition group that was designated a”foreign terrorist organization”by the U.S. government. Lawyers for the seven had argued the charges were unconstitutional because they had a free-speech right to raise money for a political group.

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US Using Iran’s Opposition Group in Iraq

Camp Ashraf which is occupied by the Iraq-based Iranian opposition group the Mujahedine Khalq Organization (MKO) is sited more than 260km north of Baghdad. This group resettled in Iraq in 1987 during the rule of Saddam Hussain. After Saddam was ousted in 2003, the US army gave protection to this camp which remains today.

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‘How I was brainwashed by the Tank Girls’

Today Miss Singleton recalls with horror how the group, which is based in Iraq and wants to overthrow Iran’s current regime, was able to convince her to give up her life in the UK and travel abroad with them as a brainwashed slave. Her indoctrination, conversion and submission to the MKO happened gradually over a period of ten years.

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Illegality, Fundamental Crisis for Rajavi’s Gang

there’s a consensus against this group..Western governments, particularly the US and Western Europe, have concluded that the gang of Rajavi is a criminal cult whose claims of democracy are all meaningless and that it’s an anti-democratic movement. Therefore, they try to avoid supporting such a cult. They also repeat their positions occasionally to warn the supporters and agents of the group about their positions.

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MKO Shows Its Inferiority Complexes

This comes while Khalf Al-Ayan and Adnan Al-Dulaimi, who accompanied terrorist MKO member Mohammed Mohaddessin in the conference, are themselves involved in the unrest in Iraq and in creating ethnic clashes. While ago, a number of cars prepared with bombs were found in Dulaimi’s house but the results of investigations were not made public because Americans didn’t want to!

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Europe Slaps MKO in the Face

This Council announced on January 31 that according to the ruling of the court it would provide the MKO with reasons of freezing its assets. The Council also stated that it would give a month to the MKO to present documents to defend itself before the Council announces the final decision.*

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People’s Mujahedin;Another Iranian Fanatism

The absolute control of thoughts started; marriage became forbidden and divorce obligatory even if the spouse lived in Iran. The rings should have gotten out of fingers. In your mind, you must forget the existence of women. Everyday, there were meetings in which we had to explain to our commandant, anything passed in our minds beginning with sexual things. All this was noted in a report which was used against you in case of necessity especially when you were willing to leave the MKO.

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MKO’s Role in Saddam Massacres Should be Exposed

The court of former Iraqi regime’s crimes, now being held without the presence of Saddam Hussein, exposes important issues one of which is the decision of former Iraqi dictator to exterminate the Kurds with all possible means.In the court, it was revealed that the order for massacring the Kurds by chemical weapons was issued personally by Saddam …

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