
An Unexpect Trip Disarrays the MEK Headquarters

The trip of Ms. Fariba Hashtroodi* to Iran and her meeting with the representatives of Habilian Association and Mr. Ibrahim Khodabandeh has overwhelmed MKO members and leaders in their headquarters in France. People close the MKO report of disappointment of members of this organization, particularly the members of Council.

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US’s New Strategy and MKO’s Position

they have resorted to the policy of creating tension between Arabs-Persians and Shiite-Sunnis to take advantage of the situation.Their reliance on such a policy, with its whole negative consequences for the people of region, means”committing suicide”and getting more entangled in the quagmire. This will also intensify negative reactions in US’s domestic political scene.

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Mojahedin Laid Criterion for Patriotism and Democracy

The group’s move on such a suspicious line implies that Mojahedin attempt to exculpate Saddam of his myriad crimes to compel a mentality to identify him as a national hero. They have resolved to walk on the line of the opponents to Saddam’s execution, each impelled by different motives, in an attempt to win their support to accomplish their own ends, as they did when the master was in power.

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Bipartisan Members of Congress File Brief

According to the brief, Congress feared that, in enacting the law which allows the government to designate terrorist organizations and prosecute those who support them, it would abridge First Amendment rights by allowing the State Department to designate groups for purely political reasons. Such political opponents of the State Department would then be unable to raise funds from …

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Terrorists Disinformation

Being the kind of people who fish in troubled water, MKO does whatever mischief to escalate the tension concerning Iraq to survive. Quoting Jafarzadeh who talked at a conference organized by the Iran Policy Committee, a lobby group pushing to get the MKO off the State Department’s terrorist list, the article intends to support the idea that Iran is advocating a special force to spread disorder and terrorism in its neighboring country Iraq. …

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Making a Martyr out of a dictator

From the time the American government decided to use Saddam Hussein as a leverage in controlling Iran’s power after the revolution of 1979, the funding of these policies has always been taken care of by wealthy Arab Countries (such as Kuwait who during the Iran-Iraq war was an active supporter of Saddam Hussein but later found itself in the receiving end of Saddam’s chokehold).

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The Stain of Supporting Saddam

With the exposure of Saddam’s plans for massacring Kurds, which is only one of numerous horrible crimes of this man, all those who supported him found themselves labeled as supporters of massacring and”crimes against humanity”.What was admonitory was about the fate of opportunist gang of Rajavi, which was trying (with the assistance of Saddam’s lawyers) to accuse Iran in order to divert the case of murdering 180000 Iraqi Kurds.

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The MEK’s solidarity with a fallen dictator

The execution of dictator of Iraq was greatly welcomed by the majority of the people in the Middle East, particularly by Iraqis, Kurds and Shia and some Sunnis such as Turkmen that had suffered mostly under the Saddam’ Regime.There was joy among Iranians and Kuwaitis whose countries were destroyed by Saddam when he attacked Iran in 1980 and Invaded Kuwait in 1991.

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Opposition Groups Don’t Care about Rajavi

Some people ask what if an organization or a political group doesn’t want to unite….Iranian now know all MKO’s lies and that the MKO can only deceive those who are not familiar with Iran’s issues; those who don’t know the terrorist nature of the group well and support the group only for their own interests.

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