
Diminishing Glory

What must be of particular concern to any Iranian with a sense of patriotism is the reality of Iran’s exhaustible fossil fuels. Due to an increase in demand and decrease in supply, Iran will find itself wanting for its energy needs in the next decade [iii]. Had the leaders who praised the sanctions spent less time pursuing their ambitions and more time studying Iran’s national interest, they would realize that Iran is in a dire situation

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Scottish Daily”Scotsman”quoted an MKO supporter

They want to use the ruling of First Instance Court in order to press European officials to take them out of the list.Earlier, MKO claimed that the ruling meant the removal of MKO’s name from terror list. This was only a propagandistic move which lasted only for a few days and after that they tried to provide opportunities for themselves.

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Comment on Claims

Referring to Claire Miskin’s statement released on December 30, 2006 by NCRI website entitled “Behind the atrocities in Iraq stands the Iranian regime” Paul Sheldon Foote delivered the following comment.
Contrary to the representations posted by the Iranian Communist MEK’s NCRI Web site,

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West Tries to Save Its Face

What the MKO is making so much noise about is only a ruling which will remain in judicial levels in Europe, if it’s not rejected or revised by other judicial institutions. According to experiences, it could be said that European courts have always had more hostile attitudes towards Iran and have always supported Iranian opposition groups but they have never been able to change the policies their governments are bound to. The fact is that these courts have always tried to help their own politicians by issuing such rulings.

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The End of a Patron of Terrorists

At last on Saturday at dawn Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, went to the gallows and they put the noose around his neck. Although he was hanged only for being sentenced for murdering 148 Shi’ite Muslims in the town of Dujail in 1982, yet at the time of his execution, he was being tried on charges of genocide perpetrated against the Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s

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Raw Story Exclusives revealed use of terror group

RAW STORY’s Ron Brynaert and Michael Roston revealed the redacted portions of Flynt Leverett’s”censored”New York Times op-ed which contained”sensitive”information that the White House apparently did not want disclosed—some of it obliquely referring to the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an anti-Tehran militia.

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People Caught in Hallucination

The parliamentarian advocates of MKO are not, no doubt, nai’ve about the violent nature of the group and the reasons that led it onto the black list of the proscribed terrorists. Few of them, for certain political, or maybe personal, reasons prefer to close their eyes on reality for the time being. The main issue for them is to deal with Iran utilizing some kind of leverage of pressure, which in this case they have mistakenly concluded to be MKO.

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Confessions of Raymond Tanter

The Iran Policy Committee describes itself as:
Iran Policy Committee (IPC) is comprised of former officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon, intelligence agencies, and experts from think tanks and universities.

The Executive Director is described as a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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MKO still qualified to be on the list

Last month, the Canadian government reviewed the group and found that it still qualified to be on the list of terrorist organizations banned in Canada, said Philip McLinton, a spokesman from the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

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