
A lot of hoo-ha for nothing

The European court of justice, declared in its verdict that any funds that had been frozen should now be made available at the disposal of Mojahedin-E Khalq. But the experts on this organization can clearly state that the Mojahedin has never in the past made any of its money transactions through any bank in Europe. The Mojahedin have in fact never placed any of its vast funds …

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MKO Reacts to Tribal Leaders’ Conference

Recently, the heads of tribes in Dyala province held a conference to discuss the critical economical and security situation as well as the presence of terrorist groups in the province.A delegation of tribal leaders also briefed the government on the ways of improving security situation in the province.

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Court decision leaves victims trapped in destructive Rajavi cult

According to various foreign office officials, the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation (MKO) remains on Europe-wide terror lists. But the judgement has seriously undermined humanitarian efforts to help victims of the MKO, which is acknowledged by experts to be a destructive cult. Basic flaws in the basis for the judgement has left it open to misinterpretation and misuse by the opportunist Mojahedin-e Khalq, also known as the Rajavi cult. Critics say the Court ruling was politically motivated.

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A Sham President Boycotting Elections

The elections being sham or anything else, it seems that the organization lacks a sound source of informers inside Iran as well as the exaggerated number of supporters. A slight look at the reports of many TV networks covering the occasion in Iran disproves MKO’s claim of”people have completely ignored the sham elections”. It does not mean that we approve whatever passes inside Iran,but we do believe that none of those who drew back to vote were responding to Maryam Rajavi’s boycott.

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The MEK continues to publish lies

Gobadi mentioned the Iran Policy Committee (IPC) without revealing if the MEK funds trips for Professor Raymond Tanter to speak at MEK conferences. Gobadi failed to reveal relationships between the MEK and the IPC staff (former CIA employee and former military officers). In particular, Gobadi could have provided details about published reports that the CIA is using MEK members to go into Iran as spies and to destroy Iranian property.

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A Deal, Dirty but Auspicious!

One another condition for his freedom was to renounce terrorism and to give up bankrupt policy of armed struggle; he has accepted this wholeheartedly. His remnants in Europe and the US have allowed their lawyers to denounce terrorism and armed struggle in order to pave the way for political survival.It means that Americans have gotten across their message to Rajavi: the only way to get out of the terror list (the only way for the survival of the group) is to admit the failure of armed struggle and quit claims about it.

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Coalition of Zionists, Wahabis and Baathists

The role of mercenaries of Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization also should be considered. This treacherous group, ready to sell itself, is angry from Iraqis, Shiites and Kurds and works hard alongside Wahabis and Baathists to promote terrorism. This group is a tool in the hand of Mossad and America.

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Terrorist listing not in question

“For the time being, they are on the list,” said Jean-Claude Piris, legal counsel to the 25 EU governments. “But we have to examine it as soon as possible.” EU governments said in a statement that the court’s ruling did not call into question the EU’s antiterrorist list. It said that the judgment also did not call into question a decision by EU governments that group was a terrorist organisation. ..

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Friends of Once Enemy

Once itself the forerunner of such resistance, MKO has taken a sloping path swimming against the current. In its formation of struggle against the ousted Iranian monarchy, the organization propagated the idea that “there is only one major enemy: imperialism and its local collaborators”. Mojahedin denounced the American imperialism for its political, economic, social and cultural break-in role.

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Double Standards of the west

In the United States as well as United Kingdom, the Mojahedin-E Khalq of Iran employs powerful and well connected lobbyists working to remove them from the terrorist lists of both of those countries. These lobbyists are attempting to erase the violent and bloody past of the Mojahedin-e khalq of Iran, and present a ‘revised’ version of history.

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