
Why the MKO Resorts To Hypocricy?

the terrorist group of the MKO took this issue as an opportunity to boost the morale of its desperate members; therefore, they tried to introduce the students’ activities as a proof for their wrong analyses, according to which they describe the situation of the society as”exploding”and claim that armed forces in Iran are relentlessly struggling to suppress popular protests.Of course, in this article, there’s no need to say that how baseless these analyses are (and have been during past 25 years).

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Disclosure of a Pure Fact

Shirvan Vaeli’s comment came after MKO had announced that they had formed”National Front for Saving Dyalah”. The national front the group referred to was, in fact, a novel alliance with Saddam loyalists and other insurgents that could not abide a free and democratic Iraq. Being well aware of MKO’s terrorist nature, Iraqis have no need to be informed of the group’s terrorist activities by the Iranian side and the group’s alliance with other uncompromising Iraqi groups. ..

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A Probe into Never Responded Questions

It seems that Maryam Rajavi’s recent trip to some European countries as Iranian president-elect in exile and her interview with a variety of Medias creates her an opportunity to provide appropriate answers to many existing but ambiguous challenges. Naturally, most of the journalists and media men have got tired of hearing and penning mediocre issues like that of Iran’s nuclear file, claims of the West granting concessions to Iranian regime …

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MKO’s Excuses for Political Inabilities

Mojahedin sometimes resorted to people, thought to be able to do something for the organization; people like Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton and …
The main point the group tries to hide from its own members is that the group was fully supported by Saddam and some other western countries while being out of terror list but it could do nothing.

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Raymond Tanter spoke of MKO’s interference in Iraq’s internal affairs

Raymond Tanter, bankrupt republican and arms dealer who sells weapons to mercenary groups, talking on the issue of situation in Iraq to Al-Jazeera last night, overtly spoke of MKO’s interferences in Iraq’s internal affairs. A supporter of MKO, Tanter has repeatedly asked the US government to use the terrorist group as leverage against Iran. On MKO’s ties with remnants of Saddam,…

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Iraqis Welcome Revelations on MKO

Now the government has emphasized that it is going to act against the MKO. Although too late, it should be appreciated. In this regard, we warn the government on the suspicious activities of Adnan al-Dulaimi and his son. He is the leader of terrorists. He should be arrested and tried…

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MKO’s Testimony on AMIA Case Is Baseless

the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires exploded killing 85 people. A car was reprted to have been detonated before the building. According to the testimony of at least a dozen eye witnesses, there was no car bomb but explosion came from the inside outwards. Although the”internal explosion theory”was later proved by the experts, the Israel’s sovereignty over this issue influenced the course of the investigations.

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A Great Disaster for the MKO

MKO’s ties to John Bolton are not limited to the post-Iraq war era or his appointment as the US ambassador to the UN but they were established long ago when the contacts of the MKO with Zionist lobby in the US were expanded.First, the MKO sent him gifts and during an electoral campaign, he received large amounts of money from the MKO. After that, MKO regularly rewarded him with money that was called gift or other kinds of aids.

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Polonium-210, Fiction and Fact

John Bolton, who was then the Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control, privately conveyed to International Atomic Energy Agency officials his suspicions that Iran was conducting research – at Parchin,….So, at a press conference held in Paris on 3 February, 2005, by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (a US State Department designated”terrorist organization”) Mohammad Mohaddessin, the self-styled Chairman of their Foreign Affairs Committee, made certain specific charges about Iran’s ongoing nuclear programs….

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US already at war with Iran

The US seems to be using an Iraqi terror group known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) to create instability and commit acts of violence (remember the terror bombings there?) in Iran before going to a full-on war with them, as reported by The Raw Story here. It appears that most of this group has been trained by the CIA.

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