
Humiliation of Women in MKO

the evil of inequality, humiliation, sexual harassment, and a domineering masculine violence against women still continues to exist. The most prominent instances of violence against women are sexual slavery and social deprivation and limitations. Not only in the under-developed but also in developed countries women are subject to various physical and psychological practices of violence and pressure. Many of these victims are wives and daughters who are regarded as the possessions of the husbands and fathers.

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Treacherous Plan Exposed, MKO Moans

On one hand, the Pentagon denied the issue as whole and even admitted the group has mistreated its own members and on the other hand, cult’s spokespersons in Europe tried to cover the issue as if there has been nothing between the group and the Pentagon.Earlier, Rajavi and his followers stupidly claimed of being independent from Saddam Hussein but when the tapes of their relationships were broadcast they started to deny the facts.

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Pentagon denies employing MKO members by US Army

In its recent edition, the Weekly quoted a former US official (who asked for anonymity) saying that Secret Agents of US Army were employing the MKO members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.According to this former official, employment of MKO members is illegal since the group has been designated as a terrorist organization by US State Department and therefore Pentagon sends them to Israel for training.

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Gone With the Wind

The function of Mojahedin at least through the past 25 years well indicates that they had availed themselves of given opportunity, Saddam’s overall backing and other reactionary political factions as well as the debilitating, prolonged war and controversies among the countries of the region. Of course, Mojahedin had given a pledge to make up for all protections and backings they had received after assuming power in Iran.

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Pentagon Nails the Coffin of MKO

What Brooks has revealed is that Pentagon has lifted its support for the MKO and this can be interpreted as the removal of the last obstacle for the expulsion of the group from Iraq. This means that opponents of MKO presence in Iraq should be assured that this terrorist cult has no supporter among US authorities, including Pentagon officials.

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MEK , USA ;Strange Bedfellows

The MEK, however, has a big handicap: The U.S. government says it’s a terrorist organization. Officials cite its role in the murder of Americans in the 1970s and subsequent terror attacks that killed hundreds of Iranians. Another big blemish is the group’s long collaboration with Saddam Hussein. On top of all that, former members describe the MEK as a personality cult obsessed with celibacy and martyrdom.

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UK Lords must eventually face the facts

western governments can come to an agreement as to what terrorism means. Whenever the economic and special interests of the west are in danger, there seems to be no hindrance or doubt in working with known terrorists. The violent and barbaric regime of Taliban came to power in 1996 amidst a civil war with the backing of Pakistan and C.I.A. with funding from Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. And it seems Pakistan is now being portrayed as a close ally in the fight against terrorism.

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A Humanitarian Negligence in Favor of Terrorists

He further elucidates facts about the terrorist nature of the group and the terrorist atrocities its members perpetrated in Iran and the Iraq under Saddam. The Iraqi-based PMOI is a terrorist organization that killed an American citizen in the 1970’s and helped Saddam to massacre the Kurds after the First Gulf War. If you think Al Qaeda or Hezbollah came up with the idea of suicide bombing you should know that PMOI pioneered suicide bombing in Iran in the early 80’s when they killed a number of Iranian senior officials as well as innocent people

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For Fundamentalists and the Hard Right

Today’s FrontPage Magazine did not include Tancredo’s speech or an explanation as to why David Horowitz would invite Tancredo to speak at Restoration Weekend. During 2005, FrontPage Magazine published articles of supporters of the Rajavi Cult. Following posted criticisms of FrontPage Magazine, the magazine posted, on January 13, 2006, Michael Rubin’s”Monsters of the Left: The Mujahedin al-Khalq”.

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Release the Iran NIE! and Hoaxster Hoekstra

The United States government’s intelligence community has prepared a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran, but the White House has decided that it is not “finished” yet and has decided to postpone any decision on issuing it until after the November elections. NIEs are the government’s document of record on international issues that confront the United States and they are supposed to be both impartial and definitive. ….

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