
MKO’s Propaganda for Boycotting Elections Fails

MKO’s call for boycotting the elections (city councils and assembly of the experts) is a formalist act with no result since the group believes in overthrowing the regime with all its bases. This move by the group can only be viewed as a propagandistic effort.That the MKO tries to separate Iranians from the state and opposed to the regime (the people who are waiting for a spark from MKO’s armed forces to overthrow the regime!) is an issue beyond contradictions and only proves unpopular the group is.

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The Defenders of Violence and Terror

Whenever confronting an obstacle in its antagonistic campaign against the presence of Iranian authorities and individuals in a country where its political activities is banned, MKO relay on supporters who enjoy a rather good social status. These supporters are mainly found among the parliamentarians who, for certain political and social reasons and even personal interests, consent to advocate an officially blacklisted terrorist, criminal group.

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The Outcomes of MKO’s Gathering in Geneva

The continuation of this move indicates that the leaders of the group are still seeking solutions to overcome the current crisis (for the group) in Iraq.Also, other activities by the group show that the priority for the MKO leaders is to find a way out of the crisis in Iraq and that all MKO efforts (in order to help the group politically and structurally) have failed so far.However, MKO’s spokespersons never speak directly of what they are dealing with in Iraq (in order not to worsen the situation of their demoralized members in Camp Ashraf) and the future of the group.

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The Positive Force of Terrorism

According to Newswire, in a press briefing hosted by the ‘Colorado’s Iranian American Community’, a bi- partisan Congressional Caucus recognized the indispensable role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) at Camp Ashraf in Iraq as a natural ally for Iraq’s anti-fundamentalist and democratic forces. Congressmen Bob Filner and Thomas Tancredo the Co-Chairs of …

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MKO’s Melancholic Illusion

However, inside the organization, MKO leaders made stories of this trip and talked about it as if that will solve all their problems.This melancholic illusion is the one that 25 years ago took the MKO to the domain anarchy and terrorism. Now it can be predicted that this crazy illusion, which has really become incurable, will inevitably lead to the destruction of the group,…

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MEK, The West and Iran

For years now I have shuddered every time a Western country has made contact with the MEK; whether it was their spokesperson Jafarzadeh, or with Maryam Rajavi, or some other low-life. Anxiety would fill every conscious hour of my day and even creep into my resting hours and torment me to think that Congress was working on taking these traitors off their Foreign Terrorist Organization list. How could Maryam Rajavi be allowed to live comfortably in a Paris suburb, this woman who is the leader of a terrorist cult?

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Playing with Blood Begins

Representatives of this terrorist group have repeatedly asked these organizations to find illegal political ways for the group’s staying in Iraq and obey US forces!In fact, they want these organizations to help the group keep dissident members, which is a very inhuman act.The meaning of Maryam Rajavi’s recent stance, backed by a number of mercenary lawyers, is that”the MKO will not submit to legal decisions for the expulsion of the group and that if any decision is made against them, each and every MKO member will be forced to set himself on fire or commit suicide.

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Crisis of MKO Families Hightens

MKO leaders have repeatedly forced MKO members to stand against their families; these families had asked to meet their loved ones or they had written letters to the international communities asking for the savior of their loved ones.MKO’s Gestapo has also forced these members to go to the US forces guarding Camp Ashraf and complaint about their families! …

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For Whom The Bell Rings?

Although such ceremonies have been designed to make MKO forces (restricted to Camp Ashraf) busy so as not to think about the current situation, the group is following other purposes (for instance, they want to convey some messages to their colonialist masters).In the ceremonies, it was repeatedly said by MKO officials that Maryam Rajavi is the sole leader of the resistance!

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Iran-Europe Game in Brussels

Taking part in a press conference with 5 Belgian senators, Rajavi explained her group’s major problem (Iraq’s decision to expel the group from Iraq) and asked European countries to prevent this by lifting the name of MKO from terror list.It seems that the comments by Belgian Foreign Ministry (that Maryam Rajavi’s presence in Belgium has nothing to do with the terrorist MKO) show the policy of Belgian government and other European countries …

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