
MKO; A Tool for Warmongers in Elections

It seems that Tanter thinks the MKO has arrived in Iraq just yesterday that it would gain public favor (in the case of being allowed to operate)! Or, he may think that the MKO has been doing nothing in Iraq for the past 25 years!More interesting is that Tanter is going to take advantage of the MKO in his election campaigns in the favor of Neoconservatives and warmongers.

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Tanter, A Mediator Between MKO and Israel

Though this amounts to making a pact with the devil, he believes that the only way to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons is to replace the religious regime in Iran with a democratic one, and that only MEK can do that. But there are several problems with MEK. The U.S. declared it a terror organization, and most Iranians consider MEK members traitors, because they supported Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

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NCRI Did Not Discover Natanz

Part of the problem is that US intelligence sources didn’t want to say how they knew—and, thus, how much we knew—so the story that NCRI ratted out the Iranians persisted. This summer, though, I think the last piece of the puzzle appeared.In The One Percent Doctrine, Ron Suskind confirmed that US intelligence had flipped Urs Tinner —a member of the Khan network—in the 1990s and had allowed him to remain in place to identify Khan’s customers.

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MKO’s Media-based Tension Escalation

Mojahedin main attempt at the present is focused on the escalation of the internal tension which might compel the Iraqi authorities to relay on the presence of the American forces to overcome the social disorder and to secure social stability. Although unspoken, Mojahedin try to have it understood that the existing tension is the outcome of the current Iraqi government’s incapacity to control the situation and the US feels impelled to utilize …

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Camp Ashraf dwellers in need to support their rights

The scant number of the participants, two hundred is MKO’s own exaggerated number, might indicate that the sympathizers residing in the Western countries cannot be easily deceived by Mojahedin’s advertised demands that only serves to further the organizational objectives rather than being concerned about the plights of members held in Camp Ashraf.

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Rajavi’s Visit to Belgium Unimportant

Massoud Khodabandeh, former senior member of MKO who now runs”Iran-Interlink”in the UK, said to IRNA on Thursday:”Some Belgian politicians use isolated elements to press Iran and to get what the West wants from Iran.”Khodabandeh said the visit of MKO’s self-claimed president to Belgium Senate by the informal invitation of some minor politicians in that country was a propagandistic effort from unimportant groups in that country that are seeking fame…

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News Censored by Rajavi’s Gang

Immediately after the Islamic revolution (in 1979), MKO leaders pretended to be boycotting governmental press in order to block their members’ and supporters’ access to free media. This kind of censorship was expanded in the following years and took a different shape when the MKO members were restricted to Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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A Shameful Support of pro-Saddam Faction

…in a recently published article World War W, discusses the ridiculous decisions flowing from the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice administration to design, launch and wage World War W. The article further discusses that as the repercussions of a US attack on Iran could well be dire, they are trying a well-financed fifth column of support in Iran, the pro-Saddam faction of Mujaheddin-e-Khalq.

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The Failure of and Underhanded Move

On the other hand, Mr. Ahmed Bokhari, Director of UNHCR’s Middle East Affairs, announced that the members of MKO can get refugee status (in Iraq or another country) under three conditions:
1. Cutting ties with the Mojahedin-e Khalq organization

2. Denouncing terrorist activities (in the past)

3. Giving pledge not to return to terrorism again

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Gunning for Iran

The IAEA branded the American report”outrageous and dishonest”for asserting that Tehran’s nuclear plans were geared towards weapons. This, of course, was just the latest flare-up in the running debate over Iran’s supposed nuclear ambitions. So where is Washington getting its information? Try an Iranian opposition group known as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq – MeK for short. Given the debacle over Saddam’s non-existent WMDs in Iraq, you’d reckon there’d have to be a touch of caution where Iranian exiles peddling nuclear secrets are concerned.

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