
The Failure of and Underhanded Move

On the other hand, Mr. Ahmed Bokhari, Director of UNHCR’s Middle East Affairs, announced that the members of MKO can get refugee status (in Iraq or another country) under three conditions:
1. Cutting ties with the Mojahedin-e Khalq organization

2. Denouncing terrorist activities (in the past)

3. Giving pledge not to return to terrorism again

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Gunning for Iran

The IAEA branded the American report”outrageous and dishonest”for asserting that Tehran’s nuclear plans were geared towards weapons. This, of course, was just the latest flare-up in the running debate over Iran’s supposed nuclear ambitions. So where is Washington getting its information? Try an Iranian opposition group known as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq – MeK for short. Given the debacle over Saddam’s non-existent WMDs in Iraq, you’d reckon there’d have to be a touch of caution where Iranian exiles peddling nuclear secrets are concerned.

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Children of ‘the resistance’

A National Post investigation has found the banned terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq recruited teens in Canada and sent them abroad to overthrow the Iranian government by force. Today, we begin a five-part series about a Canadian family that got deeply involved with the guerrillas — and now regrets it.

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A Letter to the Multi-National Force in Support of MKO

The presense of Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq is really one of those critical problems for the Iraqi government to tackle. Banned to conduct direct propaganda activities, the group takes advantage of the Iraqi dissenters, parties and individuals, to muster supporters advocating its stay in Iraq. In many cases, these publicized instances of supporting serves as a means of warnings by minorities directed at the legally elected government

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Funny Figures!

Once someone said:”I wonder why all MKO female members arrested by the regime are pregnant and have to abort?”This is because the lie has been repeated by the MKO. This has even been said about unmarried girls!Everyone in Evin prison knows well that Mojgan Homayoonfar lost her leg in a car accident, but the gang of Rajavi used this in the UN to prove that there was torture in the Iranian prisons!

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Failure of Warmongers in Using the MKO

Warmongers discussed the issue of MKO with different parties and individuals in Iraq but there was no sign of cooperation with this group and the plans of Pentagon. Warmongers realized how hateful this group is. After this, they gave guidelines to the remnants of Rajavi to collect signatures and build fake parties as their supporters in Iraq in order to find a way out of crisis.

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MKO and 9/11

These ex-members have further stated that Rajavi had ordered to show the videotaped explosion of the Twine Towers again and again. They say that Maryam Rajavi once referred to Muhammad Ata’s will, one of the agents of the 9/11 incident, wherein he had banned women’s attendance at his tomb and stated his aversion to family and children, and said that Al-Qaeda and the perpetrators of the 9/11 incident have a far better understanding of MKO’s ideological revolution than those inside the Camp Ashraf

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Don’t Scuttle Chances for Negotiations

Announced by U.S. Newswire, over one hundred religious leaders, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish, will call on Congress on Tuesday 26 this week to urge Congress to assert its oversight function to prevent a preemptive attack on Iran. …The religious leaders specifically cite five causes for concern, the second of which points to the administration using the terrorist Mujahedeen-e Khalq …

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Iranian-Canadian kids sent to guerrilla camps in Iraq

An Iranian terrorist group recruited teenaged children out of Canada and sent them to a guerrilla camp in Iraq, an investigation by the National Post has found.The Mujahedin-e Khalq sent recruiters to Toronto to entice youths of Iranian heritage into joining an armed resistance campaign aimed at overthrowing the Iranian government.

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