
Open Activities of a Proscribed Organization

Under section 3 of the Terrorism Act, the UK Home Secretary has the power to proscribe organizations believed to be “concerned in terrorism”. Both the wide definition of terrorism and the vagueness of the grounds for proscription could lead to abuse the law in support of the illegitimate organizations rather than their proscription.

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Liberals accuse Kenney of hypocrisy for attending rally for terrorist group

The picture appears on the website of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the political wing of the PMOI, or People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. The PMOI is one of the names used by the MEK, or Mujaheedin-e-Khalq, an armed Iranian rebel group formally designated as a terrorist organization by the governments of Canada, the United States and the European Union. The Canadian government put the group on its official terror list in May 2005. ..

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Saddam’s Trial and Evidences on His Accomplices

A rereading of Saddam’s crimes against the Iraqi Kurds will reveals facts on Mojahedin Khalq (MKO) whose hands are dabbled with the blood of the Kurds. As mercenaries of Saddam, in cases they have referred to their role in these crimes and have tried to make justifications over them. The coalition forces that attacked Iraq to end, as they state, Saddam’s rule of tyranny and free the nation have to be faithful in their claims and …

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MKO Claims Rejected

Following the strong comments of Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, the head of Iraqi parliament, on the illegal presence of terrorist MKO in Iraq, in order to boost the morale of its members, the MKO propaganda system tried to link debates on Mr. Mashhadani’s removal from office to his comments on the MKO; in this regard, they reflected false quotes …

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Predicting the Game Results

The White House, looking at terrorist MKO, understands this group’s efforts to copy and conduct the theories of Neo-cons and Israelis, confirms that- as announced by Pentagonists- the members of this group can be used as devotees for US soldiers in any possible attack to Iran….

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The Paradigm of a Historic Irrationality

The MKO’s first attempt to create a military spectacle the same as Fedayan’s daring operation of Siahkal failed. The group planed to disrupt the 1971 celebrations surrounding the 2500th anniversary of the Persian monarchy. In fact, although it was an attempt to win the control and leadership of the armed struggle, but the armed strategy in itself was in no way justifiable.

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Partners of MKO’s Crimes

The major question for Mr. Binley is that”should we say a group is a terrorist group only if it has damaged the western interests?”
And more importantly:”What’s Mr. Binley’s idea about the figures and statistics of MKO terrorist operations inside Iran, provided by this group itself?”
Mr. Binley and people like him either have entered the scene of politics and the issue of Iran very late …

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Victims of MKO Deceptions

…These poor guys were trapped by MKO dealers and smugglers. MKO agents encouraged Mirmehdi brothers to take part in MKO demonstrations in order to receive asylum immediately.
Unfortunately, Mirmehdi brothers were deceived by MKO and their participation in a MKO demonstration in 1997 led to detention and jail for 41 months….

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Definite ‘No’ to MKO’s De-proscription

In a recent interview with David Storobin, a New York lawyer, MP Brian Binley, who is the UK Conservative Party Member of House of Commons for Northampton South and an advocate of MKO, made it clear that they, supporters of MKO, had so far failed to convince their governments to de-proscribe MKO

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