
‘The Association of Criminals’

The judge in France, who is prosecuting Rajavi’s gang for illegal and criminal charges, has rightly called this group”The Association of Criminals”.
This, above all, shows the depth of the judge’s recognition of the nature and behavior of the MKO.
Abulghassem Rezaee, one of 17 members of this association, has given some explanation about the recent decision of the appeals court (to lift some restrictions on MKO), which itself displays the critical situation of MKO in France.

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Saddam Devotees Hail Community of Strategy with Iraqis

soon after the Islamic revolution, they announced that more than 150,000 rallied in Amjadieh soccer stadium in Tehran. The stadium in full capacity, according to mathematical evaluations, could entertain a crowd of not exceeding 30,000. Later, on the anniversary of the 20 June event, MKO’ TV reported a rally of 200,000 in the same place. Even on the 20 June 1981, the day MKO organized a protesting rally in different Iranian cities, MKO announced a swarm of 500,000 sympathizers in Tehran’s streets never thinking of the destructive potentialities of such a crowd if they really existed

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Mujahedeen, the master of bluffing

During the deporting from France in 1995, Maryam declared that there was no need to do political activities, and they should continue with army activities.
When the Mujahedeen were captured by Americans and lost all their weapons they began to talk about the cease-fire with Americans to prevent their disloyalty.

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MKO and Sharing Strategic Interests with Iraqis

How she has found “common strategic interests” is a question Nowrouzi should give an answer to, something she never does as it is Mojahedin’s convention. If it means sympathizing with Iraqi people’s struggle to accomplish demands of democracy and freedom pursuant to the country’s religious, cultural, and traditional conventions, no doubt, MKO’s strategy has proved to be in absolute contradiction with that of people. The group’s stance towards Iraqi political bodies and parties after Saddam’s fall

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The West cannot take the Mojahedin seriously

In an article by James Graff,”Are The PMOI Iran’s last Hope For A Peaceful Solution?”, TIME Europe has discussed the position of the MKO in the west. Graff wrote:
“…But there are also reasons why Western governments remain wary: among them are the group’s ideological origins in a mixture of Marxism and Islam, the aid they offered to and received from Saddam Hussein, and charges, which they deny, implicating them in terrorist acts in Iran….

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A Ba’ath Party Replica

MKO left France to settle in Iraq with the aim to utilize Saddam and Baath Party’s potentialities to form an alliance against Iran. Saddam, too, had the same idea in mind and could venture on MKO in its war with Iran. The close strategic, political collaboration furthered a brotherhood between Saddam and Rajavi; it may explain why MKO yet avoid taking any clear position against Saddam and his crimes.

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The council and the women commission

From 1370, after the fall of the families and forced divorce, the house and the office of men and women were separated completely. The women were settled in desolate places or in castles with tall walls.
The Mujahedeen represented a plan that no man and woman allow to sit in front seat of an automobile, even the old one.

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The Guest Who Rebukes the Host

On 16 June 2003 the French best-known anti-terrorist judge Jean Louis Bruguiere and his team, following a 14 hours interrogation that had started at 15.30 hour local time on 16 June 2003, issued a detention order accusing the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the political umbrella group dominated by the MKO, blacklisted as a terrorist group by the US, the EU, and other countries, of”terrorist activities, association with a terrorist organization and financing terrorist operations”.

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