
This Small Gang of New York!

Mojahedin-e khalq held a rally in New York but the number of the participants was so small that there was no report or photo of it on different websites of Mojahedin; only one website gave a brief report on the gathering….42 members and supporters of terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq gathered in front of United Nations building in New York on April 28.

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Fifth Column

This was the first time the MKO felt it needed the support of a foreign country to continue armed strategy; when the MKO experienced the good taste of free weapons and financial support accepted it as a rational strategy.
Regarding the acceptance of being mercenary and unreal justifications given for it, Mojahedin crossed the red lines and there were no longer any obstacles;

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A Personal View from Evin

Any account of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) will reveal a black record of destroying family relationships and misappropriating various people’s lives and belongings. All of the organisation’s terrorist actions inside Iran after they fled the country have been planned, facilitated and directed from inside Iraq with the intelligence, training, weapons and equipment provided by Saddam Hussein.

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A Viewpoint on MKO’s Presence in Iraq

Dr. Latif Vakil, Iraqi prominent author, in his article”Democracy or Intifada of Sha’banieh”in Bizturkmeniz website, has discussed current situation of Iraq and policies of the US.
Elsewhere in his article, he writes:”If one looks at the policies of the US, he will laugh at the issues; for instance, the MKO is considered a terrorist organization according to international and US laws.

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MKO and Massacre of Kurd and Turkmen Iraqis

The city resisted against the MKO mercenaries for a long time and many achieved martyrdom but finally these mercenaries and the forces of Saddam occupied the city and Kurd and Turkmen citizens started moving toward the borders of Iran; the army of Saddam started plundering the properties of people and set fire on the library…

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MKO’s Death in US-Iran Talks

There are various comments on the issue of US-Iran Talks, including that of Al-Zaman newspaper, writing:”Joint fight against terrorism will be possibly a basis for the talks and Iran will ask for the extradition of MKO.”

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Brownback Applauds

Senator Sam Brownback is satisfied with Condoleezza Rice’s announcement of more money to support Iranian democracy:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked Congress on Wednesday to provide $75 million in emergency funding to step up pressure on the Iranian government, including expanding radio and television broadcasts into Iran and promoting internal opposition to the rule of religious leaders.

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Nader Rafi’ee Nejad, A Torturer of MKO

In 1985, he was introduced as a major member and in 1991 as deputy of an executive board in the MKO. in 1990, he took off his”diplomatic”suit and wore the uniform for jailors of MKO in Iraq.
….He was involved in torturing Mohammed Hussein Sobhani and also the killing of Parviz Ahmadi who died under torture.

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Precaution against Mojahedin’s Terrorists Plots in World Cup

The ongoing security measures indicate that Germans are alert to the possibility of any threats, and precautions are being made to neutralize even minute suspicious moves to prevent any repetition of the past nightmare; that is to say, learning from the past can come in handy today.
It cannot be altogether ignored that the Mojahedin Khalq Organization …

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