
MKO, Lackey of Saddam

“There are many questions for Iraqi people regarding the measures taken by the government to fight violence and terrorism. For instance, was it out of mercy to free thousands of criminals and murderers from prison? Or was it planned in order to execute the plans of Saddamist against the Iraq’s resistant people? Is leaving thousands of explosives and weapons in AlGha’Gha something out of ignorance? Where are thousands of Saddam’s fedayeen and spies, who were pillars of his regime? Why isn’t there any comment on Saddam’s Fedayeen, Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran and pro-Saddam Palestinians? And who’s this Zarqawi?”

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Violation of Human Rights in MKO

a few days ago, the Human Rights Watch stressed the accuracy of its”No Exit”report and announced that:
“Because Human Rights Watch places a high premium on the accuracy of our reporting and public statements, the organization took these allegations seriously. We went back to our sources to review and reevaluate the credibility of their allegations.In October 2005 Human Rights Watch researchers met in person with all twelve witnesses quoted in the No Exit report. The researchers conducted interviews lasting several hours with each witness, individually and privately….As far as it concerns the imprisonment and torture in MKO, former members have credible evidences to prove their claims and they have presented these evidences and documents to the representatives of Human Rights Watch

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Hojat Zamani Was A Terrorist

After the reports came up on execution of Hojat Zamani, the old breathless system of MKO started to work and the leaders of this group who now felt a new blood in their bodies didn’t know how to express their happiness; in this regard, MKO and those tied to it are competing in raising the position of Hojat Zamani.

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MKO, A Threat Against Iraq

Past and present experiences prove that the Mojahedin-e Khalq organization is like a blade at the hands of occupiers against innocent Iraqis. We witnessed the brutality of this treacherous organization during Iraqis’ Intifadah (uprising) in 1991. Members of this organization were pioneers in suppressing our nation. Former senior Iraqi officials counted on this group. MKO had a strategic place in security and intelligence issues.

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Terrorist or Victim?!

After joining the MKO, Hojjat passed terrorist courses and in his first terrorist operation in the June of 1998, he detonated a strong bomb in Tehran’s Revolutionary Prosecution Office that killed 4 people including an Armenian Iranian (William Wigen); many others were injured in the event.
Terrorist MKO claimed responsibility for this terrorist act in a statement released on June 2

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Opposition a stick against Tehran?

It has been variously described as a cult . The People’s Mujahedeen is listed as a terrorist organization in Europe and the United States …. The U.S. military that bombed its Iraq-based armed wing two years ago now protects its camp north of Baghdad, where its members have been granted Geneva Convention refugee status…Critics argue that supporting the People’s Mujahedeen grants legitimacy to a disreputable organization, dogged by allegations of human rights abuses and undemocratic behavior

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False Letters

I myself am a former member of Rajavi’s cult and I am familiar with some families of whom some members were fighting for Mujahedin and now are separated or are still staying in Camp Ashraf or other countries with the MKO. As a person who has separated from the cult, I have to say that I and the families I khow haven’t received such letters at all.

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Bulgarians to Dismantle Iranian Terrorist Group MKO in Iraq

As the United States advances steadily toward a confrontation with Iran, the fate of an Iraqi-based Iranian opposition group appears to have been sealed. It has now been confirmed that Bulgarian troops will assume control of the formerly-armed Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MKO) organization’s Ashraf camp. This move likely constitutes the final stage of removing the MKO from Iraq, a process that began with the U.S. bombing of the organization’s bases in April 2003.

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The End of Puppet’s Games

Recent events could be a victory for the MKO only if the Westerners paid attention to them; but the current situation indicates that the West has to stand against this group to prove its own credibility. In addition, the survival of the group- despite the claims of its leaders- requires getting out of terror list. Diplomatic encountering with Iran will keep this group in the list of terrorist organization.

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Avoiding an error of great historical proportions

I am dismayed that the European Court is considering removal of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/MKO) from the list of organizations participating in acts of terrorism and violence. The prospect of support for this group is not only a grave foreign policy error in the ongoing war on terror but a great dishonor to the victims of September 11th and a disgrace to the civilized world…The MKO’s terror record is extensive and includes assassinations of American citizens and widespread bombings in Iran throughout the 1970s. ..

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