
Terrorism, Weapon to Achieve Political Goals

Whenever they wanted to prove its strength and power, MKO conducted a series of terrorist operations inside Iran; then, they introduced it as their own popular base. This was, in fact, one of their repetitious methods. Many innocent people were killed in these operations of Rajavi, but he used them for his own political aims

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Terrorists Exploit Diplomatic Pressure

Head of a group labeled terrorist by the U.S. urges the West to back an internal political push against Tehran….Maryam Rajavi of the Mujahedin Khalq, which has been officially designated a terrorist group by the United States and European Union, capitalized on the escalating diplomatic confrontation with Iran to hold a rare news conference at the heavily guarded compound on the wooded banks of the Oise River…Her group remains under investigation in France for allegedly carrying out terrorist attacks in Iran and plotting against Iranian government targets in Europe…

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Iraqis Want MKO’s Expulsion

History shows that terrorist MKO had an active role in former Iraqi government. Since its arrival in Iraq, MKO started to conduct former regime’s evil plans against Iraqi people.
After the fall of former regime, Iraqis heard happy news on the expulsion of this group from the country; a decision that was made by interim government but the US forces didn’t allow it.

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The Mujahedin is seeking to present themselves as representatives of the Iranian-American community in order to get off the terrorist list and receive financial support from the US government.
NIAC has prepared a letters to your House Representatives as well as to the Los Angeles Times, pointing out that the MKO does not represent the Iranian-American community. It is extremely important that Iranian Americans participate in this debate

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Iranian Communist Lies About Iran

The American government has closed the Washington, DC office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the National Press Building. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft, a supporter of the MEK while a Republican Senator, raided the home of NCRI spokesperson Alireza Jafarzadeh and took boxes of documents from his home.

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Al-Zarqawi Reportedly Moves to New Area of Iraq

the presence of an Iranian dissident group, the formerly-armed Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), in Diyala has created tensions between prominent tribesmen and other influential actors in and around Khalis, where the MKO’s Ashraf base is located. While the MKO (which is classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government and the European Union) was disarmed in May 2003 and the movement of its members are supposedly monitored by U.S. forces, the organization regularly hosts meetings in Ashraf

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Members of Mojahedin are obliged to kill themselves when they face arrest

The use of cyanide and grenades and the obligation to die before capture has continued from the time of Shah to the present, but the purpose of it has changed completely. It is no longer about protecting information (otherwise Maryam Rajavi and her cohorts would have killed themselves upon their arrest in Paris in June 2003). It is now about providing numbers to add to the list of Mojahedin Martyrs.

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Survivors’ Report, No.20- Editorial

We all know people who have left the Mojahedin for whom simply the experience of having been in the cult has become a virtual prison from which they cannot escape. MEK indoctrination infects their thinking even now and stunts their lives in every aspect.The former members who have had the courage to speak out about the crimes of the Mojahedin leaders are all extraordinary people. When these people joined the MEK it was because they were not ordinary; they felt the desperate need of their people for freedom and they acted on it

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MKO, Part of Zionist Lobby

The scandal of infiltration of some people-affiliated with Zionist lobby- into the US government and spying for Israeli government, with the purpose of directing the United States towards a war on Iran, is a reality that shouldn’t be ignored.FBI and US Justice Department have concluded in their investigations that some anti-Iran figures want to instigate neoconservaties against Iran.

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Targeting a ‘terrorist group’

It is sad to read about the Mujahedin Khalq organization (a.k.a. MEK, MKO, NCRI and several other names) in that the terrorist group is portrayed as the representative of a quarter of a million Iranian Americans. The group was in charge of killing several Americans during the shah’s regime in Iran. Its ideology is a mixture of Islam and Marxism. The group is run like a cult, in that the”holy”leaders (Maryam and Massoud Rajavi) must be obeyed at all costs, even if this means sacrificing families and children.

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