
Repeating the Mistake!

The Bush administration sees itself now in a situation similar to that of pre-Iraq war. At that time Ahmed Chalabi, the head of Iraq National Congress, had close relations with senior officials in the US….He had convinced them that Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed weapons of mass destruction …Maryam Rajavi, so-called president-elect of the NCRI, wants to repeat the scenario again by repeating this claim that “Mujahideen-e Khalq is ready to give urgent valid information …

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Consequences of Dirty Diplomacy

On the one hand, the leaders of the group asked the members to have influential political and propagandistic activities regarding Iranian nuclear activities. They even said to the members- who have no contact with the outer world- that the leaders of the group were leading an international battlefield against Iran and that the MKO has convinced Europe and the US that the time for war on Iran has come.

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What Kind of Alternative? refusing to do the hard, long and complicated work, the Mojahedin leadership exhibited extremely poor political judgment, fatal immaturity, and an instinctive distrust for the people. On top of that, they left their cadres and supporters wide open for brutal repression that they should have expected and should have been prepared for…They have very little public support inside Iran, and are in fact reviled by most ordinary people because of the patronage bestowed on them by Saddam,

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MKO Assassins Activated

..Some of these members have undergone extensive intelligence and guerrilla warfare training by the Intelligence services of Saddam Hussein, and many have over 20 years experience in their fields. These people have no regard for their own or other people’s lives and are ready to kill and die to order – they demonstrated this capacity when they staged self-immolations to protest the arrest of the cult leader Maryam Rajavi in 2003 in which two persons died and several others became permanently disabled…

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MEK Exiled Rebel Group Said to Torture Dissidents

An Iranian rebel group that is aggressively campaigning for Washington’s support as part of a ”regime change” strategy in its homeland has committed serious abuses including torture and prolonged isolation, against dissident members, according to a leading human rights watchdog.. the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO), also known as MEK after its Iranian initials, insists that it should lead a U.S.-backed effort to bring what it has termed democratic rule to Iran

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Reflex of Rajavis nature and character

The anti-intelligence section’s website of terrorist cult of Rajavi, Iran Efshagar, states the substantial nature of the cult and is a symbol of its interior. Through a silly childish and nervous action in the website, one of the contradictory and seriously problematic members of MKO declared some nonsense against our dear friend Ms. Marjan Malek,[one of the founders of Nejat Society].

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Our Share

I never forget that he opened my letter, which I had written for my 6-year-old girl, and never posted it to Iran.I never forget that they deceived me on the issue of bringing you to Camp Ashraf. They had brought you there but didn’t allow me to know that. However, they had to inform me because they knew that I will meet you on my way to Iran for conducting operation. We had not heard of each other for 4 years and they let us meet only for 40 minutes, under the supervision of high-ranking officials.

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Through both his personal testimony and a ten minute video displayed during the press conference at the National Press Club earlier on Monday, Moni sought to highlight the MKO’s cooperation with Saddam Hussein and demanded that Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the MKO and his associates be tried for “their human rights violations.”…Moni claimed that “Saddam placed more trust in the MKO than his Iraqi army” during his campaigns against Iraqi Shiites and Kurds.

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Democracy in Rajavi’s “Islamic Democratic Republic”

People needed several years to understand the sectarian nature of this cult and see how it uses violence to suppress the mind.
What revealed MKO’s permanent opposition to the freedom of thought and speech was a press conference on MKO-Saddam relations and the role of this group in suppressing Kurds and Shittes in 1991; this conference was held in London.

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