
Delegation visits European Court of Justice

Mr. Abbas Sadeghi headed a delegation to the European Court of Justice in Luxemburg, to emphasise the concern expressed previously in a letter signed to the court by tens of people over the action by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organisation against the Council of Europe.
The Court of First Instance will hear the case on Tuesday, 7th February, 2006. Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation lawyers will represent their client against the decision made by Council of Europe in 2002 ..

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MKO members’ families call for their children release

we declare that our children are captured in camp ASHRAF in IRAQ and are under pressure by the terrorist group MOJAHEDIN KHALG
We would like to request international communities and IRAQ government to make the leaders of group leave their country and give a chance of freedom to our children. We also ask Iranian authorities to offer amnesty to the captured members of MKO,as before so that we could return our children home easily.”

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A Former Member Returns Home

Jaber Majdmian, expressing his happiness, said the situation in the MKO is inhumane.
“In 1987, I joined the MKO in Iraq but from the beginning, I realized the terrorist and inhuman nature of the group.””I repeatedly tried to return to my family, but the MKO didn’t allow me to do so. After the fall of Saddam Hussein and due to the hatred of Iraqis for the MKO, there appeared a chance for us to return and I could come back home with the assistance of Red Cross and Nejat Association in Khuzestan Province. I believe I was born again. I try to be useful for my society.”..

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Singleton Talks to Frankfurter Rundschau

“Mojahedin spent the money we had collected with difficulties for buying houses, or gave that money to other people as loan.
Mojahedin does everything from human trafficking to money laundering.

My husband, who was for years the bodyguard of Rajavi, has talked to me of physical torture and rape in the MKO.

I was not recruited by this organization by chance, since such terrorist groups are fully aware of recruiting methods.

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Human Rights Abuses in the MEK

A press conference will be held to introduce the Family Network Association. Based in Sweden, this new association has been formed to research and publicize the situation of women and children inside the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq organization. In a press conference taking place on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 3:30 p.m. in Stockholm, the Family Network Association will reveal that many of the human rights abuses perpetrated by the MKO have taken place in western countries.

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Revealing Conference in London

A British institution and a number of former members of the Mojahedin-e khalq organization held a press conference in London to reveal its activities and called it a terrorist organization with inhumane internal relations…Baroness Emma Nicholson, member of European Parliament and member of House of Lords in UK supported the conference; her representative was in the conference.

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Iran Interlink Demands Indictment of MEK’s Rajavi

In a press conference on Thursday November 10 – at The Ambassador’s Hotel in Bloomsbury, pressure group Iran Interlink demanded that Massoud Rajavi joins Saddam in being brought to justice ….A three-member team of supporters of Massoud Rajavi and the Mojahedin had been admitted to the conference by Iran Interlink in order to have them watch the films and listen to the speeches.

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Families organize petition

In a meeting held [with the assistance of Nejat Society] in Eastern Azerbaijan province on September 28, two defectors of MKO joined their families. In the event, a number of MKO members’ families signed a petition addressing Red Cross office in Tehran, Iraq and Switzerland embassies in Tehran and asked for direct meeting with their loved ones held in MKO’s camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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Press Conference

The trial of Saddam Hussein will start on Wednesday 19th of October 2005…..The Mojahedin as part of Saddam’s military played a decisive role in the suppression of the internal uprisings in Iraq in 1991, and are responsible for the massacre of many Iraqi Shiites and Kurds who opposed Saddam. The best documented of these being the massacre of the Kurds in their uprising in March 1991.

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