
Iraqi sunnies visit secretary general of Habilian association

…Muzaffar Hussain Albokahi (member of Iraq’s national commission ): I would strongly approve your statements .Iraq is a holy land considering the holy shrines of number of Imams which are located in our country . Right now a human disaster is about to take place in Iraq and I ‘m afraid of the day it may affect all Iraqis and its main cause is occupation and the support the occupiers give to terrorists like mojahedin. Rajavi’s cult is up to set up discrepancies via committing terrorist operations as they did Shiaat and Kurdish regions …

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Symposium on Terrorism in Iraq

Mr Khodabandeh emphasised the cult culture of terrorist organisations and the methods they use to brainwash their followers. He also gave examples of foreign support by some influential groups and parties who facilitate the flow of finance for terrorism. Not the least the relationship between the remainders of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, London, Washington and other countries with the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation, and the way this relationship is becoming clear in the escalation of violence in Diyali province

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Seminar on Releasing Captives of MKO Terrorist Cult

She described that giving high commanding positions to the women is a sham gesture taken by the MKO while the truth is that women are expected to work even harder than men and their emotions are also systematically suppressed more. She clarified that members are expected to dislike whoever they adored before particularly the members of their family. She also explained that all discontented members are labeled as being metal cases. Miss Dashti also referred to the high level of dissatisfaction amongst the forces inside the Ashraf Camp who find no way out.

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Professor Paul Sheldon Foote visit to the British Parliament

Paul Sheldon Foote is a Professor at the California State University and an outspoken critic of US neoconservatives and American political leaders who support war on Iran. Professor Foote served as an elected member of the Republican Party Central Committee, Los Angeles County (1990 to 1992) and as a conservative Republican candidate for the California State Assembly endorsed by the California Republican Assembly (1992)

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UK parliamentary delegation’s visit to Edalat Society

British Ambassador to Tehran, Geoffrey Adams, along with members and the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons have met and talked with several families of victims of terrorism at Edalat (justice) Society in order to become familiar with terrorist nature and deeds of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MKO)

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Anti-Terror Convention in Mashhad

“The convention was mainly aimed at discussing the issue of terrorism in Iran and Iraq, providing solutions for this phenomenon, exposing the crimes of terrorist MKO and revealing the involvement of MKO leaders in Saddam’s atrocities against Shiites and Sunnis.””More than 40 Iraqi authorities and officials, including three university professors, five attorneys and two judges, joined the convention.”

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U.S.’s Policies Increase Regional Insecurity

Speaking in a conference, held by Institute for Coordination of Iraqi Democratic movement, on”how to escape Iraq’s disasters”, Kazem Habib said:”The U.S. is undoubtedly trying to play an active role in disrupting Iran’s political situation and in this regard uses the MKO as a tool.

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Documentary on Somayeh Mohammadi Wins Intl. Award

The film focuses on an Iranian family’s attempt to rescue their daughter from an MEK camp in Iraq. Almost a decade ago, Somayeh Mohammady left Toronto to go to Iraq to learn about her family history. Instead, she was forced to stay at Camp Ashraf, a terrorist camp. She remains there, brainwashed.

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Habilian Secretary General meets Iraqi Tribes leaders

“You called them Munafeqin correctly; our people also call them like this because of their betrayals and criminal backgrounds. This terrorist organization just can continue in critical conditions. They declared war against our nation in 26 years ago and killed many people in all positions. We have 16000 terror victims. We collected a statistics that Munafeqin has accepted it….

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