
Mojahedin Khalq Organisation should be tried in Iraq

Habilian association had a meeting with some Iraqi NGOs officials and talked about Iraq status and position of Mujahedin in there….“Munafeqin as Saddam’s mercenaries and murderer of Iran and Iraq’s children, would be expelled early and in this issue nation and all political group of Iraq have solidarity”said Mr.Sheikh Emadodin Tamimi …

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Total may have helped finance terrorist group

Investigators in the United States have a copy of a 1999 Iraqi memo summarizing an exchange between Iraqi intelligence and Iraq’s Oil Ministry regarding a request for oil received from the Mujahidin. The Iranian group had asked for the oil as a gift but, because of UN sanctions, the ministry could not comply. The ministry was, however, willing to give the group a contract for two million barrels.

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Dr Banisadr delivered speech in London University

In his speech Dr Banisadr stated: “For example in 2003 when the co-leader of the MKO; Maryam Rajavi was arrested for few days in France, eleven members of the organization set themselves on fire in front of the French embassies in several countries and two of them, one in London, were killed as a result.

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The Report of Habilian Exhibition in Tehran Congress

In this meeting, intellectuals and cultural figures from different countries have been gathered to derivation of terrorism and the way to confront it and also stressed on role of imperialist powers on this issue and asked to limit terrorists.The participants emphasized on the historical and organic relation between terrorism and radical thoughts against humanity

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New Charges Added to MKO’s Criminal Case

report from Paris on Wednesday indicate that prosecutor general has asked the court to add money laundering and fraud charges to the case, which includes connection with terrorism and saboteur groups. According to the report, prosecutor has submitted this request to anti-terror court on March 19.

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MKO Supports Terrorists

In response to the comments of MKO representatives, published in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Al-Asadi told a PUK reporter that:”On their comments that 132000 Iranian agents are working in important Iraqi posts, government and parliament should respond. But as far as the governor office of Diyala is concerned,..

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The speech delivered by Mr. Sobhani to the European Parliament

The assembly was chaired by Ms Angelika Beer, the member of the European Parliament responsible on the Iranian affairs. In this Assembly more than 70 individuals including members of the EP, particularly from the Green Party, experts on the issue of terrorism, and journalists were present. Groups of former members of the MKO who represented some human rights and anti-cult and anti-terrorism societies and centres were also present in this assembly.

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Meeting with Senator Luc Willems of Belgium

AS the head of the judiciary committee of Belgium, Mr. Willems also overlooks the state of cults within Belgium. Mr. Behzad Alishahi & Karim Haggi explained in detail their own personal experience with the cult of Mojahedin. They went into great details of the inner workings of this cult (MKO).

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U.S. financially supports Iranian opposition

The U.S. daily Washington Prism has reported that the United States is officially funding terrorist organizations opposed to the government in Iran. Reese Elrich of the Washington Prism and author of the book “Target Iraq”, who recently visited Iran and the Kurdish regions in northern Iraq, reports on the U.S. government’s financial support for armed groups.

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