
MKO Members’ Families Meet Red Cross Reps

According to Rezayee, they asked the representatives to wire their voice to the officials of Red Cross in Geneva and other related international authorities and asked for the freedom of their loved ones from the cult.Red Cross representatives expressed regret over inhuman limitations imposed on MKO members by the cult of Rajavi.

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New Document on MKO’s Involvement in Kurds’ Massacre

What follows is part of the details of the session quoted by Iraqi TV: – Prosecutor provided the court with a new audio tape in which Ali Hassan Al-majid talks about chemical weapons against the Kurds and promises to impose more restrictions on them, including the ban on speaking Kurdish.- Another audio tape revealed that Hassan Al-Majid was planning a new scenario, including chemical attacks on the Kurds, gathering them in specified locations and then targeting them with chemical weapons.

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Presence of Armed Opposition in Iraq Unaccaptable

In a meeting with Deputy Iraqi Interior Minister for Security Affairs”Shirvan Al-Vaeli”, Iranian Foreign Minister”Manouchehr Mottaki”said that in the light of good relationships between the two countries, the presence of Iranian opposition groups in Iraq is not acceptable and that Iranian government and people are waiting for the extradition of criminals and the expulsion of enemies from Iraq.

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The BBC television program on the Communist MEK

The BBC’s January 17, 2007 television program on the Iranian Communist MEK included an interview with Lawrence Wilkerson, a top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson revealed that the State Department supported a plan to disband the Iranian communist cult at Camp Ashraf, Iraq. However, Vice President Dick Cheney’s office rejected the plan.

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MEK in Iran-Iraq Security Talks

In the Meeting, the issue of Mojahedin-e Khlaq organization, major armed Iranian opposition group based in Iraq, was also discussed. The details of discussions have not been revealed, but the Iranian government has always asked for the removal of MKO’s camps in Iraq and extradition of its forces to Iran.

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Iranian People Don’t Want MEK says Thomas Pickering

There are lots of, you know, gray areas, murky areas in the past, things we’re not positive about in terms of their responsibility for certain actions 30 years ago. But in the last couple of decades, anyway, it seems to me that it is pretty clear that they are, as a political — they are certainly not much of a military force, but a political force — and they may not even be that to any great extent.

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Report of Germany’s Security Service on MKO

After it was determined that Iranian soccer team would take part in Germany’s 2006 world cup, there were reports on the possibility of NCRI’s sabotages during Iran’s matches in Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Leipzig. In this regard, Awaa Association in Köln, comprising of former MKO members who have admittedly quit the organization fully, warned in its website about possible terrorist attacks including self-immolations during world cup by MKO supporters.

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Paulo Casaca visits Camp Ashraf and the MEK of Iran

This week Mr. Paulo Casaca (Member of the European Parliament for Portugal’s Socialist Party) and André Brie (member of Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left of Germany) both members of the European Parliament paid a 4 day “good will” tour of Camp Ashraf in the outskirts of Baghdad.

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High Court Denies MKO’s Appeal

The Supreme Court refused Monday to block the trial of seven Los Angeles residents charged with raising money for an Iranian opposition group that was designated a”foreign terrorist organization”by the U.S. government. Lawyers for the seven had argued the charges were unconstitutional because they had a free-speech right to raise money for a political group. …

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US court declines to review anti-terrorism law

Without comment, the justices denied the appeal by the Los Angeles area residents accused of soliciting money for the Mujahedin-e Khalq, which has carried the designation since 1977. Only the groups themselves may seek judicial review in challenging such a designation, according to the 1996 anti-terrorism law. …

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