
Presence of Mojahedin is dangerous for Europeans

Members of Habilian Association, in following of their meeting with members of political corps, met and talked with Mr. Robert Last and Ms. Sara Clayton on Thursday 2006-9-28. In this meeting, Mr. Mahdi Mollazadeh, official of Habilian association legal committee, after explaining aims and functions of association in one year and presenting some documents and evidences and answering to question about association’s activities ..

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Iran Says Nuclear Spy Arrested

A leading MP confirmed the arrest.”The man has been working in parliament’s research centre since 2001,”Ahmad Tavakoli told the semi-official Fars news agency.He said the case has been completed for trial, which he said will start soon. The MEK is considered a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union.

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Habilian Association representatives meet Ms. Fariba Hashtroudi

At the beginning of meeting, Mr. Hasheminejad pointed that how Habilian association was formed and in following added: “we, as terrorism victims, formed Habilian NGO, but without any attention to revenge and even we have also no hope to justice in this disordered world, but by according to Mujahedeen, who have been changed to a reactionary cult, we accept their members such as victims of sectarist thoughts.

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The statement of Nejat Society relating the execution of former Iraqi dictator

It is worth mentioning that Saddam Hussein or Iraq was known as the only state supporter of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), and for nearly two decades the Organisation enjoyed his full financial and logistical backing in that country. The truth is that Saddam Hussein the former dictator of Iraq and Mas’ud Rajavi the leader of MKO committed many crimes in a strategic collusion …

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Child rescued from the hands of a terrorist group

A report was made by Focus Grant, a national paper, from the court of appeal in the Netherlands on 14 December 2006. In parts we read:
…the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation is known as a terrorist organisation almost globally.In 2002, a court in the Netherlands condemned Mr. Khorami to two years imprisonment for refusing to hand over his own child to governmental agencies.

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Al-Arabia’s Detailed Report on MKO Cult

The program was hosted by Ahmed Abdulla, a powerful presenter of Al-Arabia. Contacting Ali Safavi, Alireza Jafarzadeh (MKO members) as well as Massoud Khodabandeh and Anne Singleton (former members of the group) and also Professor Gary Sick, Raymond Tanter and Dokhi Fasihian via telephone, the program discussed the status of the MKO, criticism about this terrorist group, its popular base and also its involvement in massacring Kurds in Iraq.

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Iraqi President Confirms the Expulsion of MKO

During the meeting Mr. Hasheminejad presents a report of the situation of the families who were victims of MKO terrorist operations. Mr. Talebani declaring his regret because of the presence of such a group in his country notified that MKO has cause a lot of damage in Iraq including its close cooperation with Saddam Intelligence Services and its direct relation with Saddam in order to commit crimes against Iraqi people.

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Swede MP Comments on MKO

“I assure you that supporting the MKO is not the policy of the EU. This group is an unimportant movement who come to the halls of European parliaments like many other similar groups and this doesn’t mean that Europe is supporting them”, said the envoy of Swedish Parliament to Iran, Goran Lindblad, in an interview with the Secretary General of Habilian Association.

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Rajavi’s Meeting with Israeli Diplomats

Sources add that in her meeting with a number of Norwegian MPs, Maryam Rajavi asked parliamentarians to pave the way for accepting Iraqi-based MKO members in Norway as refugees.Observers believe that Rajavi’s visit to Norway was conducted with the green light by the US and it seems that the US has allowed Maryam Rajavi to start efforts to win the support of European countries after they (Americans) couldn’t find a solution for the presence of this group in Iraq.

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The new Campaign to save Ashraf residents

We are Family and Friends of Somayeh Mohammadi who are deeply concerned about her safety as she has been forcefully kept by Mojahedin-e Khalagh (MEK), Iranian guerrilla fighters in Iraq, for the past ten years. Somayeh is one of the many Canadian and American youth who were recruited to monthly camps when they were teenagers, only to be kept like hostages ..

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