
Ann Singleton Interview with BBC

Ann Singleton has a past unlike most people working for the Iranian Mujahedin in Iraq attempting for the overthrow the Iranian government. Today I’m talking to her about her experiences and the lessons that she learned. I will ask her about the feeling of working with a terrorist organization, fighting in the desert…

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Ann Singleton Interview with BBC(Asian Network)

Ann Singleton has a past unlike most people working for the Iranian Mujahedin in Iraq attempting for the overthrow the Iranian government. Today I’m talking to her about her experiences and the lessons that she learned. I will ask her about the feeling of working with a terrorist organization, fighting in the desert and how did she get involved with them in the first place?

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Anne Singleton interview with Lorrain Kelly on GMTV

She probably is not somebody who in the first view is expected to have gone to a military base to receive military training that’s exactly what happened to Ann Singleton after being brainwashed by an extremist group and she joins me today. It’s really good to see you, Ann. I can’t believe how your life has changed so much that you left the life you liked and the road you were supposed to travel and now you have again a different life.

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LK Today program on GMTV (England)

The individuals were completely unaware of what the cult did with him or her. At first you think they are very sincere and self scarifying people but actually they model a kind of special behavior to you which you get drawn into that kind of behavior that you start to mirror and take it on yourself.

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Some Westerners Support MKO; Why?!

Early February, 35 British Parliament members asked the government officially to lift the name of MKO from the Britain’s list of terrorist organizations. This group was headed by Lord Corbett, member of House of Lords from Labour Party, who’s collecting signatures to force Home Office to present its reasons for designating the MKO as a terrorist group.

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BBC world interview with Anne Singleton and Gordon Corera

Back in the early 1980s, Anne Singleton was a rebel with a romantic streak, entranced by the selflessness, as she saw it, of a group of Iranians who were trying to bring democracy and a secular government to their country. The People’s Mujahideen, as they were known, had helped to overthrow the Shah but had been rejected by Ayatollah Khomeini and his followers and were allowed to seek refuge in Irag by Saddam Hussein.

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Scott Ritter’s Views on MKO

When the Islamic revolution took place in 1979, the MEK initially allied with the Ayatollahs but soon fell out of favor with them. MEK went into exile and they took root first in Europe and later in Iraq where it became a very powerful military wing of the Iraqi Mukhaberat or the intelligence service. Today it’s funded by the CIA in their policy of using this organization to be a stick in the side of Iran. Even now, the MEK continues to be listed by the State department as an international terrorist organization.

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Laur de Charette Interviewed Mr. Ali Moradi

They had the freedom flag in their hand but they revolted against freedom. They themselves violated the human rights. They said:”outside our camp the people are starving from hunger or addiction. The people are hung and their heads are hung of the trees”. Any one who tried to escape the organization was delivered to Abu Qoraib in case of being arrested. The life there was evil.

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“We oppose this organization. We don’t support it”

The political scene of the US recently witnessed two controversial developments, namely the victory of Democrats in recent elections and the report of Iraq Study Group. Will these two development a beginning for a turn in US policies towards Iran?Amir Mossaddegh Katuzian from Radio Farda posed this question for James Jeffrey Senior Advisor of Secretary of State in Near East Affairs and US policy-making on Iran.

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Nejat Association Interview in Paris

Amin was recruited by the MKO while a student in Austria and trained in its terrorist camps in Iraq. He carried out over 10 terrorist operations in Iran before being arrested by the Iranian security forces. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in Evin prison. He served 5 years and was released after serving half his sentence.

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