
Nejat Society Letter to The Iraqi President of Higher Judicial Council

leading their activities inside Iran from that country. Once the French government imposed some limitations on their activities including leading terrorism in Iran from Paris, they moved their headquarters to Iraq. The grounds for this move had been prepared previously and the MKO armed forces were already present in Iraq and they were involved in military activities against Iran. The presence of Massoud Rajavi in Iraq did lead to a close relationship between the MKO and the Iraqi former government

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Open Letter to Bryan Wilfert MP from Mohammad Mohammady in Canada

before toppling of Saddam Hussein, it was impossible to talk about or disagree with the MKO publicly. If they have this much power to force a young girl to denounce her family and call her parents agents of the Iranian regime just because they tried to take her out of a war zone and from the camp of an organization that has been branded terrorist by many Western governments, you can clearly understand how dangerous …

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A letter from Dr. Torabi on behalf of 8 UNHCR refugees

These 8 people aged 30-50 are from a larger group of 200 Iranian nationals and former members of Mojaheddin Khalkh Organization (MKO), an opposition group fighting against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Following Saddam’s downfall, these people seized the opportunity to leave MKO and take refuge in an American-run camp called Temporary International Presence Facility

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Re: Letter from Mr. Paulo Casaca, MEP, to the Canadian Government

As a Canadian citizen, I find Mr. Casaca’s intervention with Canada’s internal affairs presumptuous. His expression of opinion on a subject that he has no prior knowledge of is quite irresponsible. Though I am quite confident that our Centre and its directors are well recognized not only by the community we are directly serving, Iranian-Canadians, but also by the community at large as well as the relevant government offices I wish to give a brief history of our organization and its establishment.

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Iranian students union thanks EU for keeping MKO on terror list

In a letter released on Saturday, Iran’s Union of Islamic Students Association (UISA) in Europe has thanked the European Union for its decision to keep the terrorist Mojahedin Kalq Organization (MKO) on the blacklist of terrorist organizations. The letter, a copy of which provided to Mehr News Agency, is addressed to Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga, the European Union foreign policy chief

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‘I rest my case m’lord… ‘ (No.2)

The report (last updated 2007) clearly emphasizes that”…MEK leadership and members across the world maintain the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United State, Canada, and beyond…”In addition, the report of course continues describing”Mojahedin Khalq Organization”by pointing out:

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The Iranian Pen Club Letter to Ms Megevanal Roggo, International Committee of the Red Cross The Middle East Department

According to the news received in the last few days by Iran-Ghalam (IRAN-PEN) association, the condition of disaffected members of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation who are now accommodated in the TIPF part of Ashraf Camp is critically dangerous. Some personalities have already raised concern not the least Mr. Mohammed Hasibi who has written an open letter today, 21 December 2007 raising his deep concern about the situation of these people

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Open letter to Lord Corbett by Mohammad Sobhani

What I really want to know is whether the organisation has in fact ruled out armed struggle – once the core of its ideology, strategy and tactics. Or is it simply because the organisation is incapable of carrying out terror acts at this moment in time? As I understand it, you are not supporting or sympathizing with the MKO or National Resistance Council (NRC).

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Rajavi’s message is a declare of war

It is impossible to develop a deep understanding of the group’s labyrinthine structure unless its philosophy of formation since four decades is well studied. Manifestations of conflicting ideas and Machiavellianism in its ideological infrastructure as well as manipulation of cult-like techniques to have control over the insiders and operatives enable MKO to exploit whatever existing potentiality and leverage in the West in general and France in particular

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