Families’ gathering together
A meeting held in Shiraz under the title of”Salvation”with the participation of MKO family members as well as the former members of the Rajavis’ Cult.
A meeting held in Shiraz under the title of”Salvation”with the participation of MKO family members as well as the former members of the Rajavis’ Cult.
New defectors of the Rajavis’ Cult were granted amnesty letters in Ahwaz
Isfahan- Analysing the situation of women in the Rajavi’s Cult
Representatives of the International Red Cross met several families of MKO members in Tabriz
MKO Members’ Families Meet Red Cross Reps-Shiraz
Yaser, whose numerous requests for leaving the camp/organization have been ignored, finally committed suicide by setting himself on fire sometimes in August 2006. When the MKO officially announced the incident on September 11, 2006, after over a month delay, they claimed that Yaser took his own life in protest to the conditions caused by the U.S. control of the Ashraf.
Siamak Hatami former memebr of MKO returned to his homeland