
PMOI members arrested in France in June 2003

In June 2003, police arrested 167 people in the Paris suburb of Auvers-sur-Oise where the MKO is based. Of those arrested, 17 were placed under formal investigation, including Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the MKO’s political wing on suspicion of”associating with wrongdoers in relation with a terrorist undertaking”.

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Self Immolation;The holy Operation

Following Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in France, a number of Mojahedin’s sympathizers, reported 20, committed self-immolations in streets of Paris and other Western cities to obtain her liberation. These acts of self-burning were organizationally preset acts of dissent dictated to the members who practiced them

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British Moslem community delegation visited the Nejat Society

On Monday 5 February 2008, a delegation consisting of representatives of different Moslem organisations and societies in Britain, paid a visit to the Nejat (rescue) Society in Tehran. They met with Ms. Hura Shalchi, Ms. Marjan Malek, Mr. Ebrahim Khodabandeh and Mr. Jamil Bassam while some representatives from the British Embassy in Tehran as well as families of the MKO members in Ashraf Camp were present.

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