Iran blasts US, Europe support of MEK

The top military aid to the Leader of Islamic Revolution Major General Safavi said that the terrorist group of MKO is the evilest anti-Iranian group.

Commemorating the thirty-first anniversary of the Mersad glorious operation in Kermanshah province, western Iran on Thursday, M.G Safavi noted that the terrorist group that has been assassinated and martyred countless Iranian civilians and senior clerics so far using terror attacks is under the US and European support.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is a divine, invincible power which is increasing day by day, while on the contrary, the US and Zionists’ power is reducing year by year,”the top military aid to the Leader of Islamic Revolution stressed.

The commemoration ceremony of the 31st anniversary of MKO defeat anniversary (Mersad operation) held in Strait of Mersad, Islamabad, Western Iran with the presence of provincial officials, commanders and combatants of the eight years imposed war of Iraq against Iran.

The MKO has a dark history of assassinations and bomb attacks against the Iranian government and the Iranian people.

It notoriously sided with Saddam’s regime during the eight-year war with Iran.

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