work permits issued for MEK formers

Good news, MEK formers have been issued work permits.
After all the pressure the MEK and the US exerted on the UNHCR to not only give no succour to these people but to leave Albania completely, and all the pressure exerted on the Albanian government not to help or facilitate the survival of these MEK formers, they have succeeded in their aim.
With the help of hunger strikes and demonstrations and the work of lawyers, the Albanian government has backed off and as a minimum has accepted that these people exist in their own right and are separate from the group supported by the US.

They are accepted as individuals, not as commodities.
The authorities have accepted they must issue work permits for these formers who live in Tirana. Many writing about this have said this is a huge setback for the MEK because they have used this lack of status to threaten people not to leave.
They tell members ‘you will be destitute if you leave the camp’.
Many write to congratulate the ex-members for their achievement and hard work over last few months.

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