MEK-Bolton Money Laundering affairs

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Canadian Inspector Reveals Bolton’s Involvement in Money Laundering

A Canadian Police inspector has disclosed the results of investigation into a drug-trafficking case that provide clues about US National Security Advisor John Bolton’s involvement in money laundering and suspicious financial transactions.

Senior Canadian law enforcement agent from the Toronto Police Drug Squad, Donald Belanger, reported that Canada Border Services Agency has on July 20 seized a cargo of imported Pakistani clothes impregnated with a significant amount of opium, owned by Toronto-based company “Luna International”, owned by Ali Vakili, an Iranian residing in Concord, Ontario.

“Police investigations show Luna and its CEO are accused of laundering and transferring dirty money between Canada and some European countries, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United States,” Belanger has said in a thread on his Twitter account.

Vakili, Luna’s CEO, is “also associated with corrupt politicians and some criminal gangs,” the Canadian agent noted.

According to Belanger, there is also evidence that Ali Vakili has in 2016 transferred a sum of $350,000 to the account of Jennifer Sarah Bolton, John Bolton’s daughter, through Habib Bank of Zurich.

The police agent has even attached a copy of a SWIFT invoice that reveals Luna’s links with the Boltons.

“According to other documents we got our hands on, in recent months, large amounts of money whose origin is not known have been deposited into Ali Vakili’s account from outside Canada,” he added.

“Interestingly, over the last three months, he (Vakili) deposited $280,000 into the account of Rudy Giuliani, former New York Mayor and Trump’s current attorney,” Belanger reveals.

“Luna’s tax violations and money laundering for unspecified purposes have caused the company to temporarily suspend its business and report to authorities,” said Belanger, who also assured people that Toronto Police will act decisively in the fight against drug trafficking and money laundering.

Existing documents show that Ali Vakiley deposited $350,000 through The Habib Bank in Zurich in 2016 into the account of Jennifer Sarah Bolton, John Bolton’s daughter. The attached Swift invoice shows Luna’s relationship with Mr. Bolton’s family.

— Donald Belanger (@BelangerPolice) August 5, 2019

Meanwhile, investigations have found evidence that Ali Vakili has close ties with the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group, currently based in Tirana, Albania.

The MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community. Its members fled Iran in 1986 for Iraq, where it enjoyed backing of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Out of the nearly 17,000 Iranians killed in terrorist attacks since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, about 12,000 have fallen victim to MKO’s acts of terror.

John Bolton is a fervent supporter of MKO terror group.

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