Open Letter to the European Union

Militarism is MKO’s Infrastructure

Dear Sirs,

Reported by Time on December 14 to confirm the EU’s stance on the ruling of the Court of First Instance, Jesus Carmona, spokesman for the European Union’s anti-terrorism authority, enunciated that "we’re going to comply with the court and publicly state the reasons for any group or individual on it”. For sure, the EU proscribed MKO on sound reasons, but we consider it our responsibility to give some details on the terrorist nature of MKO.

Stated in the judgment of the Court of First Instance concerning MKO, “it and all its members have expressly renounced all military activity since June 2001 and it no longer has an armed structure at the present time”. MKO might have said it “expressly”, as the judgment states, but they never believe in what they have expressed because violence is the organization’s inborn trait.

Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, MKO (aka. MeK, PMOI, NCRI, NLA), a blacklisted Iranian terrorist organization, from the very beginning of its formation adopted the armed struggle as the infrastructure of its campaign. The organization’s past forty-year bloody history indicates that to advance its objectives, the priority has always been put on the application of terror and violence.

The very use of the term Mojahedin-e Khalq, meaning people’s holy warriors or combatant of the masses, as the title of the organization indicates that the line of struggle forbears to adapt to a political and peaceful route. The initially trainings of the members, from the beginning to the present, simultaneous with the ideological teachings, are militant trainings, use of weaponry as well as the practical use of chemicals to make explosives and detonating devices.

Formed during 1963-6 and late in 1969, after three successive years of study on its organizational structure and revolutions in other parts of the world, the organization commenced to organize its militant training programs and to form the team houses to stage armed operations inside Iran against the ruling monarch. [1] The History and Origination of Mojahedin Khalq Organization

Lacking the needed experience to establish training military camps and since it was actually impossible to conduct such activities under the eyes of the Shah’s intelligence system, the leaders resolved to seek external opportunities. As a result, they made contacts with Al-Fatah Organization, a militant establishment active in Palestine territories, to persuade it to train the organization’s members in its camps. Al-Fatah consented and the early members were dispatched to Al-Fatah’s camps located in Oman through Beirut. [2] MKO and Al-Fatah, The Outset of Guerilla Activities

MKO intensified their armed operations in the years between 1973 and 1976. Its terrorist operations were mainly aimed at American citizens and institutions inside Iran including assassination of 6 American military officers and civilians and bombing tens of buildings. [3] The US State Department Report on Mojahedin-e Khalq

After the Islamic revolution in Iran, MKO started a novel and different mode of struggle, this time against its own nation, and announced that it continued an armed campaign to overthrow the newly established Islamic system. In fact, it was the beginning of a bloody chapter in Iran’s contemporary history. It is hard to enumerate all the victims of MKO’s atrocities inside Iran, who were targets of its weapons’ bullets and bombing plots. However, there are reliable evidences and lists of these victims. [4] Victimes

In 1987-1988, in a publicly published booklet entitled “Resistance on the Rise;

A Review of the Recent Resistance Operations of the Mojahedin”, a product of MKO’s own publication, MKO depicted a detailed account of more than 20 noted terrorist operations that its insiders perpetrated in various Iranian regions and cities in 1987 as well as an account of its military training camps. [5] Resistance on the Rise

Strongly supported by Saddam, military units of MKO, based in Iraq under the flag of the National Liberation Army, were settled in seven facilities starting from 1986. Four were in the Baghdad area (the headquarter, Camp Ashraf at Khalis, Camp Anzali at Jalawla and Camp Bonyad Alavi), one in Kut (Camp Faezeh), one in Basra (Camp Habib) and one in Al-Amarah (Camp Homayoun).

NLA forces took part in the last phases of the Iran-Iraq war essentially operating across the Iranian borders. In some occasions they contributed to more important general operations along with regular Iraqi troops. After the end of the Iran-Iraq war, they continued to support Saddam’s regime and served as its trusted mercenaries and collaborated in the suppresion of the Iraqi Shiit and Kurds uprisings. [6] MKO Terrorist Operations

Justly judged, founded on the mentioned and non-mentioned terrorist deeds, MKO came to occupy a permanent row in the list of the US State Department’s designated terrorist organizations in 1997 and later on, by some other countries aw well as the EU.

In 2000 and 2001, the MKO was involved regularly in a series of mortar attacks against the innocent civilians and buildings. [7] The group was fully armed and continued its military activity right up to the invasion of the allied forces in 2003, when almost 4.000 NLA forces were forced to surrender to the U.S. Corps. Consequently, all the members were concentrated in the area of camp Ashraf and the organization’s heavy weapons were siezed by the US Army.

[7] MKO Terrorist Operations

Based on the presented evidences, and because of its adopted strategy and ideology, MKO cannot possibly foreswear terrorism and has never publicized such a claim. Although disarmed, the group’s main base in Iraq, Camp Ashraf is a bastion of militarism wherein the members, many against their will, are forced to run a harsh martial life. It must be noted that, as people say, a leopard cannot change its spots. That is true of MKO since neither can it renounce utilization of violence as the adopted means to achieve its non-democratic ends.

Yours sincerely,


The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Javier SOLANA, Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union

The European Parliament

The European Parliament Human Rights Committee

The Human Rights Watch

The US State Department

The Iraqi President

The European Court of First Instance

The UN Human Rights Committee

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