Paulo Casaca visits Camp Ashraf and the MEK of Iran

This week Mr. Paulo Casaca (Member of the European Parliament for Portugal’s Socialist Party) and André Brie (member of Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left of Germany) both members of the European Parliament paid a 4 day “good will” tour of Camp Ashraf in the outskirts of Baghdad.

Camp Ashraf is operated by the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran.

Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran, also known as MKO, is listed on the terrorism list of many countries such as U.S.A, UK, Canada as well as the European Union.

MKO described the visit of Mr. Casaca and Brie to Camp Ashraf as a visit by an “Official” delegation from EU parliament, with the approval of EU union. However false these claims are this still puts into doubt the intentions and respect that the EU Parliament holds when they let members of their own organization visit a known terrorist group in their home base.

The presence of Paulo Casaca and André Brie in Camp Ashraf goes against the listing of MKO in EU parliament list of Terrorist Organizations.

During the current chaotic and violent conditions in Iraq, the MKO have been dealing and continuing their close relationship with Baathist party members in contributing to destabilize and undermine the Iraqi government.

The MKO uses the hundreds of millions of dollars that the former Iraqi regime delegated from Iraqi Oil-for-Food program, to fund and support former Baath party members in setting up numerous Newspapers, TV stations and Radio Channels in order to fight against an extradition from Iraq.

The Mojahedin also share their diplomatic and international connections with the groups that they fund in order to get more publicity and support.

By backing up these groups who in the past used to be part of the Iraqi regime, they now seek to gain mainstream support by the Iraqi people.

During the visit to Camp Ashraf by Paulo Casaca and André Brie, the Mojahedin gathered more then 4000 poor and hungry Iraqis to a lavishly set up dinner and food buffet where their presence provided the seemingly public support among ordinary Iraqis.

Back when Taliban controlled and ruled over Afghanistan, you could hire a soldier for no more then 3 Dollars a day and unfortunately the same applies in today’s Iraq where because of dire conditions and extreme poverty among Iraqi people, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to buy yourself the support from the hungry masses.

The close connection of Mr. Paulo Casaca with the terrorist organization of Mojahedin raises suspicion towards the credibility of his goals of a free and democratic Iran, and also the credibility of the European Parliament who until now have chosen to look the other way in regards to Mr. Casaca.

We’re asking the EU parliament anti-Terror department and delegation to make a statement in regards to Mr. Casacas visit to Camp Ashraf.

Please do not ignore this shameful act by Mr. Paulo Casaca.

Last but not least we are adding a short clip of Mr. Paulo Casacas visit to Camp Ashraf where he dined and danced with members of MKO.


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