Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 261

Iran Interlink Weekly Digest

++ MEK former Ghorban Ali Hossein Nejad – an Arabic speaker and former translator for Massoud Rajavi – writes that he has specific news concerning the death of Massoud Rajavi. His Arab sources have confirmed that after disappearing in 2003, Massoud Rajavi was transferred to Saudi Arabia, but once he reached there he died. That’s why Prince Turki announced his death. Hossein Nejad expands on this news to say that although MEK accept he is dead by placing his picture among their martyrs, as a cult, the leaders don’t want to announce his death to the rank and file members. In response to this news, some Farsi and Arabic outlets have written biographies of Rajavi detailing what he did until he died.
++ Commentators’ reactions to the MEK’s anniversary celebration of the founders of the MEK say ‘how ridiculous it is to attach yourselves to the founders as they have nothing to do with what you are now. You are now mercenary force for Israel, Saudi and the US. The reason you can’t move beyond your own past is to do with internal problems not for commemorative reasons. Not a single thing you say has any correspondence with the past.’ Javad Firouzmand from Arya Association in Paris has broadcast an in-depth video which starts with the original ideology of the MEK and shows how year after year Rajavi changed it to suit his agenda, until it became what it is now, the false front of a mercenary force. According to Firouzmand this path charts how MEK’s obedience to orders from foreign sponsors compelled them to change.
++ Reactions to John Bolton’s removal have continued. One thread of news concerns the MEK hosting the President of Albania in Camp Ashraf 3 in Albania. This attracted little interest in spite of their over publicising it on their sites. This is because the President of Albania is essentially a nobody – the leader of the opposition with no powers. It was clear to observers that he had been tasked by the CIA to visit the camp to help change the mood inside among the members. The members are demoralised and want to leave. The people inside Camp Ashraf say they are forced to stay regardless of Bolton or not because they have no alternatives. They admit they are slaves.

In English:
++ Media mentions of the MEK mostly associate the group with the Trump administration’s extremist stance toward Iran. That is, the MEK constantly talk about regime change; which makes them ‘flavor of the month’ for all regime change pundits in the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the UK. Their presence in the Balkans is linked to Daesh and a possible war against Iran, which would result in the crowning of Maryam Rajavi as the country’s leader. This could be a miscalculation apparently. Nobody seems to know since America has no real expertise on Iran at all.
The MEK is said to have the ear of the White House. So, it was a devastating blow to Maryam Rajavi when her buddy John Bolton was removed from his position as national security advisor. She need not have worried since Mike Pompeo was happy to gather up the reins of mission impossible ‘maximum pressure’.
Now that the US and Iran are back to the brink of war Rajavi might feel she can breathe easy again. Not so fast. The disintegration of her political cult will come from within. The MEK in Albania are on the verge of mutiny. All those lies have come back to haunt. After all, didn’t John Bolton promise they would be celebrating in Tehran by April this year.
September 20, 2019

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