MEK in Iran-Iraq Security Talks

In a meeting with Shirvan Al-Vaeli, Iraqi Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs, Gholam Hussein Mohseni Ezhei, Iranian intelligence minister, expresses regret for unrest in Iraq and promised that Iran would help its neighbor in establishing security.

In the Meeting, the issue of Mojahedin-e Khlaq organization, major armed Iranian opposition group based in Iraq, was also discussed.

The details of discussions have not been revealed, but the Iranian government has always asked for the removal of MKO’s camps in Iraq and extradition of its forces to Iran.

MKO, founded before the revolution of 1979, had troubled relations with the new government.

In early 1981, many of its leaders left Iran and settled in Iraq, that was at that time fighting with Iran.

Since that time, this armed group with more than 4000 organized members started border-crossing attacks inside Iran. Also, in the final days of Iran-Iraq war, they initiated the huge operation of "Forough-e Javidan", in which many of the members of the group were killed or captured.

The power and abilities of this group have decreased radically in recent years and they were disarmed after the US invasion against Iraq.

During past two years, after Iran issued public pardon for those MKO members who had not committed specific crimes, several MKO members returned to Iran.

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