Iraqi politicians are working for Iran

Seizing the opportunity to escalate the created tension between Iran and the US, MKO has opened a new front of misinformation. Talking to Asharq Al-Awsat, MKO spokesperson in Britain, Dawlat Nawruzi, stated that many high-ranking Iraqi Government officials and Iraqi politicians are working for Iran. She said they are among a "list of 132,000 agents who work for Iran inside Iraq." She further claimed that "MKO has obtained precise information about the names of the agents, their titles and financial allowances they receive from the Iranian Government."

Disclosing Mojahedin’s intelligence activities inside Iraq since the invasion of the US, she said: "For the past four years, the organization has been continuously publishing its information about thousands of Iranian agents in Iraq, and the operations that these agents have been carrying out. However, nobody paid attention to this information, and we were not given the opportunity to disclose the details."

For sure, the Iraqi nation and authorities hardly tolerate such allegations by a terrorist group enjoying the support of American forces in their own country when it claims that "We have said that some Iraqi officials have received millions of dollars from Iran to carry out operations against the Iraqi people".

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