Iranian opposition MKO retains terrorist label

LONDON, January 22 (IranMania) – The terrorist group Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) should remain on the list of banned US and European terrorist groups, the British civil entity Iran-Interlink’s Spokesman Massoud Khodabandeh said, IRNA reported.

Talking to IRNA, Khodabandeh also said MKO remains a banned terrorist group although a court in Luxembourg has voted for the release of its blocked assets last month.

"The verdict of this court does not change the illegal status of this terrorist cult,” he said, adding that new rules have been ratified in Europe for controlling the assets of terrorist groups.

Khodabandeh, who is a former MKO member, said the US Supreme Court did not exclude MKO from the list of banned terrorist groups after the Luxembourg court issued its verdict.

According to him, a team of British lawyers, sponsored by the British government, are currently engaged in discussing mechanisms for imposing restrictions and sanctions on international terrorist groups such as the MKO, Al-Qaeda and the PKK.

“The British government on Thursday urged representatives of the House of Commons that the MKO assets will remain blocked in Britain according to domestic rules,” he said.

“The US and European governments are reluctant to cooperate with MKO transparently. However, in some cases, foreign security officials in Iraq contact MKO members and seek their cooperation. “

Khodabandeh noted that more than 50 senior MKO members are under Interpol prosecution.

The MKO has been labeled as a terrorist group by the US State Department, the British government and the European Union states.

Iran-Interlink is a non-governmental consultancy organization that renders support to members who have abandoned MKO and their family.

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